# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Word and sentence tokenizers.
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
import logging
import re
import six
from ..text import bracket_level, GREEK
from ..data import load_model
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]class BaseTokenizer(six.with_metaclass(ABCMeta)):
"""Abstract base class from which all Tokenizer classes inherit.
Subclasses must implement a ``span_tokenize(text)`` method that returns a list of integer offset tuples that
identify tokens in the text.
[docs] def tokenize(self, s):
"""Return a list of token strings from the given sentence.
:param string s: The sentence string to tokenize.
:rtype: iter(str)
log.debug('BaseTokenizer.tokenize is deprecated as of May 2019')
print('BaseTokenizer.tokenize is deprecated as of May 2019')
return [s[start:end] for start, end in self.span_tokenize(s)]
[docs] @abstractmethod
def span_tokenize(self, s):
"""Return a list of integer offsets that identify tokens in the given sentence.
:param string s: The sentence string to tokenize.
:rtype: iter(tuple(int, int))
# def tokenize_sents(self, strings):
# """Apply the ``tokenize`` method to each sentence in ``strings``.
# :param list(str) sentences: A list of sentence strings to tokenize.
# :rtype: iter(iter(str))
# """
# return [self.tokenize(s) for s in strings]
# def span_tokenize_sents(self, strings):
# """Apply the ``span_tokenize`` method to each sentence in ``strings``.
# :param list(str) sentences: A list of sentence strings to tokenize.
# :rtype: iter(iter(tuple(int, int)))
# """
# for s in strings:
# yield list(self.span_tokenize(s))
[docs]def regex_span_tokenize(s, regex):
"""Return spans that identify tokens in s split using regex."""
left = 0
for m in re.finditer(regex, s, re.U):
right, next = m.span()
if right != 0:
yield left, right
left = next
yield left, len(s)
[docs]class SentenceTokenizer(BaseTokenizer):
"""Sentence tokenizer that uses the Punkt algorithm by Kiss & Strunk (2006)."""
model = 'models/punkt_english.pickle' # This is available from NLTK
[docs] def __init__(self, model=None):
self.model = model if model is not None else self.model
self._tokenizer = None
log.debug('%s: Initializing with %s' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.model))
[docs] def get_sentences(self, text):
spans = self.span_tokenize(text.text)
return text._sentences_from_spans(spans)
[docs] def span_tokenize(self, s):
"""Return a list of integer offsets that identify sentences in the given text.
:param string s: The text to tokenize into sentences.
:rtype: iter(tuple(int, int))
if self._tokenizer is None:
self._tokenizer = load_model(self.model)
# for debug in tokenizer.debug_decisions(s):
# log.debug(format_debug_decision(debug))
return self._tokenizer.span_tokenize(s)
[docs]class ChemSentenceTokenizer(SentenceTokenizer):
"""Sentence tokenizer that uses the Punkt algorithm by Kiss & Strunk (2006), trained on chemistry text."""
model = 'models/punkt_chem-1.0.pickle'
[docs]class WordTokenizer(BaseTokenizer):
"""Standard word tokenizer for generic English text."""
#: Split before and after these sequences, wherever they occur, unless entire token is one of these sequences
'––––', # \u2013 en dash
'————', # \u2014 em dash
'–––', # \u2013 en dash
'———', # \u2014 em dash
'––', # \u2013 en dash
'——', # \u2014 em dash
'–', # \u2013 en dash
'—', # \u2014 em dash
'―', # \u2015 horizontal bar
'~', # \u007e Tilde
'⁓', # \u2053 Swung dash
'∼', # \u223c Tilde operator
'°', # \u00b0 Degrees
'£', # \u00a3
'€', # \u20ac
'™', # \u2122
'®', # \u00ae
'…', # \u2026
'⋯', # \u22ef Mid-line ellipsis
'†', # \u2020 Dagger
'‡', # \u2021 Double dagger
'§', # \u00a7 Section sign
'¶' # \u00b6 Pilcrow sign
'≠', # \u2260
'≡', # \u2261
'≢', # \u2262
'≣', # \u2263
'≤', # \u2264
'≥', # \u2265
'≦', # \u2266
'≧', # \u2267
'≨', # \u2268
'≩', # \u2269
'≪', # \u226a
'≫', # \u226b
'≈', # \u2248
'÷', # \u00f7
'×', # \u00d7
'→', # \u2192
'⇄', # \u21c4
'"', # \u0022 Quote mark
'“', # \u201c
'”', # \u201d
'„', # \u201e
'‟', # \u201f
'‘', # \u2018 Left single quote
# '’', # \u2019 Right single quote - Regularly used as an apostrophe, so don't always split
'‚', # \u201a Single low quote
'‛', # \u201b Single reversed quote
'`', # \u0060
'´', # \u00b4
# Primes
'′', # \u2032
'″', # \u2033
'‴', # \u2034
'‵', # \u2035
'‶', # \u2036
'‷', # \u2037
'⁗', # \u2057
# Brackets
# Slashes
'/', # \u002f Solidus
'⁄', # \u2044 Fraction slash
'∕', # \u2215 Division slash
# Hyphens and Minuses
# '-', # \u002d Hyphen-minus
'−', # \u2212 Minus
'‒', # \u2012 figure dash
# '‐', # \u2010 Hyphen
# '‐', # \u2010 Hyphen
# '‑', # \u2011 Non-breaking hyphen
'+', # \u002b Plus
'±', # \u00b1 Plus/Minus
#: Split around these sequences unless they are followed by a digit
SPLIT_NO_DIGIT = [':', ',']
#: Split after these sequences if they start a word
SPLIT_START_WORD = ["''", "``", "'"]
#: Split before these sequences if they end a word
SPLIT_END_WORD = ["'s", "'m", "'d", "'ll", "'re", "'ve", "n't", "''", "'", "’s", "’m", "’d", "’ll", "’re", "’ve", "n’t", "’", "’’"]
#: Don't split full stop off last token if it is one of these sequences
NO_SPLIT_STOP = ['...', 'al.', 'Co.', 'Ltd.', 'Pvt.', 'A.D.', 'B.C.', 'B.V.', 'S.D.', 'U.K.', 'U.S.', 'r.t.']
#: Split these contractions at the specified index
CONTRACTIONS = [("cannot", 3), ("d'ye", 1), ("d’ye", 1), ("gimme", 3), ("gonna", 3), ("gotta", 3), ("lemme", 3),
("mor'n", 3), ("mor’n", 3), ("wanna", 3), ("'tis", 2), ("'twas", 2)]
#: Don't split these sequences.
'mm-hm', 'mm-mm', 'o-kay', 'uh-huh', 'uh-oh', 'wanna-be'
#: Don't split around hyphens with these prefixes
'e', 'a', 'u', 'x', 'agro', 'ante', 'anti', 'arch', 'be', 'bi', 'bio', 'co', 'counter', 'cross', 'cyber',
'de', 'eco', 'ex', 'extra', 'inter', 'intra', 'macro', 'mega', 'micro', 'mid', 'mini', 'multi', 'neo', 'non',
'over', 'pan', 'para', 'peri', 'post', 'pre', 'pro', 'pseudo', 'quasi', 're', 'semi', 'sub', 'super', 'tri',
'ultra', 'un', 'uni', 'vice'
#: Don't split around hyphens with these suffixes.
'esque', 'ette', 'fest', 'fold', 'gate', 'itis', 'less', 'most', '-o-torium', 'rama', 'wise'
#: Don't split around hyphens if only these characters before or after.
NO_SPLIT_CHARS = '0123456789,\'"“”„‟‘’‚‛`´′″‴‵‶‷⁗'
[docs] def __init__(self, split_last_stop=True):
#: Whether to split off the final full stop (unless preceded by NO_SPLIT_STOP). Default True.
self.split_last_stop = split_last_stop
def _split_span(self, span, index, length=0):
"""Split a span into two or three separate spans at certain indices."""
offset = span[1] + index if index < 0 else span[0] + index
# log.debug([(span[0], offset), (offset, offset + length), (offset + length, span[1])])
return [(span[0], offset), (offset, offset + length), (offset + length, span[1])]
def _subspan(self, s, span, nextspan, additional_regex):
"""Recursively subdivide spans based on a series of rules."""
text = s[span[0]:span[1]]
lowertext = text.lower()
# Skip if only a single character or a split sequence
if span[1] - span[0] < 2 or text in self.SPLIT or text in self.SPLIT_END_WORD or text in self.SPLIT_START_WORD or lowertext in self.NO_SPLIT:
return [span]
# Skip if it looks like URL
if text.startswith('http://') or text.startswith('ftp://') or text.startswith('www.'):
return [span]
# Split full stop at end of final token (allow certain characters to follow) unless ellipsis
if self.split_last_stop and nextspan is None and text not in self.NO_SPLIT_STOP and not text[-3:] == '...':
if text[-1] == '.':
return self._split_span(span, -1)
ind = text.rfind('.')
if ind > -1 and all(t in '\'‘’"“”)]}' for t in text[ind + 1:]):
return self._split_span(span, ind, 1)
# Split off certain sequences at the end of a word
for spl in self.SPLIT_END_WORD:
if text.endswith(spl) and len(text) > len(spl) and text[-len(spl) - 1].isalpha():
return self._split_span(span, -len(spl), 0)
# Split off certain sequences at the start of a word
for spl in self.SPLIT_START_WORD:
if text.startswith(spl) and len(text) > len(spl) and text[-len(spl) - 1].isalpha():
return self._split_span(span, len(spl), 0)
# Split around certain sequences
for spl in self.SPLIT:
ind = text.find(spl)
if ind > -1:
return self._split_span(span, ind, len(spl))
# Split around certain sequences unless followed by a digit
for spl in self.SPLIT_NO_DIGIT:
ind = text.rfind(spl)
if ind > -1 and (len(text) <= ind + len(spl) or not text[ind + len(spl)].isdigit()):
return self._split_span(span, ind, len(spl))
# Characters to split around, but with exceptions
for i, char in enumerate(text):
if char == '-':
before = lowertext[:i]
after = lowertext[i + 1:]
# By default we split on hyphens
split = True
if before in self.NO_SPLIT_PREFIX or after in self.NO_SPLIT_SUFFIX:
split = False # Don't split if prefix or suffix in list
elif not before.strip(self.NO_SPLIT_CHARS) or not after.strip(self.NO_SPLIT_CHARS):
split = False # Don't split if prefix or suffix entirely consist of certain characters
if split:
return self._split_span(span, i, 1)
# Split contraction words
for contraction in self.CONTRACTIONS:
if lowertext == contraction[0]:
return self._split_span(span, contraction[1])
additional_regex_handled = self.handle_additional_regex(s, span, nextspan, additional_regex)
if additional_regex_handled is not None:
return additional_regex_handled
return [span]
[docs] def get_word_tokens(self, sentence, additional_regex=None):
if not additional_regex:
additional_regex = self.get_additional_regex(sentence)
return sentence._tokens_for_spans(self.span_tokenize(sentence.text, additional_regex))
[docs] def get_additional_regex(self, sentence):
return None
[docs] def handle_additional_regex(self, s, span, nextspan, additional_regex):
text = s[span[0]:span[1]]
if additional_regex:
for regex in additional_regex:
split_text = regex.search(text)
if split_text:
groups = split_text.groupdict()
for group_name, group in six.iteritems(groups):
if group is not None:
group_length = len(group)
if 'split' in group_name and group_length != 0:
return self._split_span(span, group_length, 0)
return None
[docs] def span_tokenize(self, s, additional_regex=None):
# First get spans by splitting on all whitespace
# Includes: \u0020 \u00A0 \u1680 \u180E \u2000 \u2001 \u2002 \u2003 \u2004 \u2005 \u2006 \u2007 \u2008 \u2009 \u200A \u202F \u205F \u3000
spans = [(left, right) for left, right in regex_span_tokenize(s, '\s+') if not left == right]
i = 0
# Recursively split spans according to rules
while i < len(spans):
subspans = self._subspan(s, spans[i], spans[i + 1] if i + 1 < len(spans) else None, additional_regex)
spans[i:i + 1] = [subspan for subspan in subspans if subspan[1] - subspan[0] > 0]
if len(subspans) == 1:
i += 1
return spans
[docs]class ChemWordTokenizer(WordTokenizer):
"""Word Tokenizer for chemistry text."""
#: Split before and after these sequences, wherever they occur, unless entire token is one of these sequences
'––––', # \u2013 en dash
'————', # \u2014 em dash
'–––', # \u2013 en dash
'———', # \u2014 em dash
'––', # \u2013 en dash
'——', # \u2014 em dash
# '``',
# "''",
# '->', # Don't split around this if occurs within chemical name
# '>', # Don't split around this if occurs within chemical name
').', # Fix missing whitespace errors
'.(', # Fix missing whitespace errors
'–', # \u2013 en dash
'—', # \u2014 em dash
'―', # \u2015 horizontal bar
'~', # \u007e Tilde
'⁓', # \u2053 Swung dash
'∼', # \u223c Tilde operator
'°', # \u00b0 Degrees
# ';',
'£', # \u00a3
'€', # \u20ac
'™', # \u2122
'®', # \u00ae
'…', # \u2026
'⋯', # \u22ef Mid-line ellipsis
'†', # \u2020 Dagger
'‡', # \u2021 Double dagger
'§', # \u00a7 Section sign
'¶' # \u00b6 Pilcrow sign
'≠', # \u2260
'≡', # \u2261
'≢', # \u2262
'≣', # \u2263
'≤', # \u2264
'≥', # \u2265
'≦', # \u2266
'≧', # \u2267
'≨', # \u2268
'≩', # \u2269
'≪', # \u226a
'≫', # \u226b
'≈', # \u2248
'÷', # \u00f7
'×', # \u00d7
# '→', # \u2192 # Don't split around this if occurs within chemical name
'⇄', # \u21c4
'"', # \u0022 Quote mark
'“', # \u201c
'”', # \u201d
'„', # \u201e
'‟', # \u201f
'‘', # \u2018 Left single quote
# '’', # \u2019 Right single quote - Regularly used as an apostrophe, so don't always split
'‚', # \u201a Single low quote
'‛', # \u201b Single reversed quote
'`', # \u0060
'´', # \u00b4
# Primes
# '′', # \u2032
# '″', # \u2033
# '‴', # \u2034
# '‵', # \u2035
# '‶', # \u2036
# '‷', # \u2037
# '⁗', # \u2057
# Brackets
# '(',
# '[',
# '{',
# '}',
# ']',
# ')',
# Slashes
# '/', # \u002f Solidus
# '⁄', # \u2044 Fraction slash
# '∕', # \u2215 Division slash
# Hyphens and Minuses
# '-', # \u002d Hyphen-minus
# '−', # \u2212 Minus
# '‒', # \u2012 figure dash
# '‐', # \u2010 Hyphen
# '‑', # \u2011 Non-breaking hyphen
# '+', # \u002b Plus
# '±', # \u00b1 Plus/Minus
#: Split before these sequences if they end a token
SPLIT_END = [':', ',', '(TM)', '(R)', '(®)', '(™)', '(■)', '(◼)', '(●)', '(▲)', '(○)', '(◆)', '(▼)', '(⧫)', '(△)', '(◇)', '(▽)', '(⬚)', '(×)', '(□)', '(•)', '’', '°C']
#: Split before these sequences if they end a token, unless preceded by a digit
SPLIT_END_NO_DIGIT = ['(aq)', '(aq.)', '(s)', '(l)', '(g)']
#: Don't split around slash when both preceded and followed by these characters
NO_SPLIT_SLASH = ['+', '-', '−']
#: Regular expression that matches a numeric quantity with units
QUANTITY_RE = re.compile(r'^((?P<split>\d\d\d)g|(?P<_split1>[-−]?\d+\.\d+|10[-−]\d+)(g|s|m|N|V)([-−]?[1-4])?|(?P<_split2>\d*[-−]?\d+\.?\d*)([pnµμm]A|[µμmk]g|[kM]J|m[lL]|[nµμm]?M|[nµμmc]m|kN|[mk]V|[mkMG]?W|[mnpμµ]s|Hz|[Mm][Oo][Ll](e|ar)?s?|k?Pa|ppm|min)([-−]?[1-4])?)$')
#: Don't split on hyphen if the prefix matches this regular expression
NO_SPLIT_PREFIX_ENDING = re.compile('(^\(.*\)|^[\d,\'"“”„‟‘’‚‛`´′″‴‵‶‷⁗Α-Ωα-ω]+|ano|ato|azo|boc|bromo|cbz|chloro|eno|fluoro|fmoc|ido|ino|io|iodo|mercapto|nitro|ono|oso|oxalo|oxo|oxy|phospho|telluro|tms|yl|ylen|ylene|yliden|ylidene|ylidyn|ylidyne)$', re.U)
#: Don't split on hyphen if prefix or suffix match this regular expression
NO_SPLIT_CHEM = re.compile('([\-α-ω]|\d+,\d+|\d+[A-Z]|^d\d\d?$|acetic|acetyl|acid|acyl|anol|azo|benz|bromo|carb|cbz|chlor|cyclo|ethan|ethyl|fluoro|fmoc|gluc|hydro|idyl|indol|iene|ione|iodo|mercapto|n,n|nitro|noic|o,o|oxalo|oxo|oxy|oyl|onyl|phen|phth|phospho|pyrid|telluro|tetra|tms|ylen|yli|zole|alpha|beta|gamma|delta|epsilon|theta|kappa|lambda|sigma|omega)', re.U | re.I)
#: Don't split on hyphen if the prefix is one of these sequences
'e', 'a', 'u', 'x', 'agro', 'ante', 'anti', 'arch', 'be', 'bi', 'bio', 'co', 'counter', 'cross', 'cyber',
'de', 'eco', 'ex', 'extra', 'inter', 'intra', 'macro', 'mega', 'micro', 'mid', 'mini', 'multi', 'neo', 'non',
'over', 'pan', 'para', 'peri', 'post', 'pre', 'pro', 'pseudo', 'quasi', 're', 'semi', 'sub', 'super', 'tri',
'ultra', 'un', 'uni', 'vice',
'aci', 'adeno', 'aldehydo', 'allo', 'alpha', 'altro', 'ambi', 'aorto', 'arachno', 'as', 'beta', 'bis', 'catena',
'centi', 'chi', 'chiro', 'circum', 'cis', 'closo', 'colo', 'conjuncto', 'conta', 'contra', 'cortico', 'cosa',
'counter', 'cran', 'crypto', 'cyclo', 'deca', 'deci', 'delta', 'demi', 'di', 'dis', 'dl', 'eco', 'electro',
'endo', 'ennea', 'ent', 'epi', 'epsilon', 'erythro', 'eta', 'exo', 'ferro', 'galacto', 'gamma', 'gastro',
'giga', 'gluco', 'glycero', 'graft', 'gulo', 'hemi', 'hepta', 'hexa', 'homo', 'hydro', 'hypho', 'hypo', 'ideo',
'idio', 'in', 'infra', 'iota', 'iso', 'judeo', 'kappa', 'keto', 'kis', 'lambda', 'lyxo', 'manno', 'medi',
'meso', 'meta', 'milli', 'mono', 'mu', 'muco', 'musculo', 'myo', 'nano', 'neuro', 'nido', 'nitro', 'nona',
'nor', 'novem', 'novi', 'nu', 'octa', 'octi', 'octo', 'omega', 'omicron', 'ortho', 'paleo', 'pelvi', 'penta',
'pheno', 'phi', 'pi', 'pica', 'pneumo', 'poly', 'preter', 'psi', 'quadri', 'quater', 'quinque', 'recto', 'rho',
'ribo', 'salpingo', 'scyllo', 'sec', 'sept', 'septi', 'sero', 'sesqui', 'sexi', 'sigma', 'sn', 'soci', 'supra',
'sur', 'sym', 'syn', 'talo', 'tau', 'tele', 'ter', 'tera', 'tert', 'tetra', 'theta', 'threo', 'trans',
'triangulo', 'tris', 'uber', 'unsym', 'upsilon', 'veno', 'ventriculo', 'xi', 'xylo', 'zeta',
#: Split on hyphens followed by one of these sequences
'absorption', 'abstinent', 'abstraction', 'abuse', 'accelerated', 'accepting', 'acclimated', 'acclimation',
'acid', 'activated', 'activation', 'active', 'activity', 'addition', 'adducted', 'adducts', 'adequate',
'adjusted', 'administrated', 'adsorption', 'affected', 'aged', 'alcohol', 'alcoholic', 'algae', 'alginate',
'alkaline', 'alkylated', 'alkylation', 'alkyne', 'analogous', 'anesthetized', 'appended', 'armed', 'aromatic',
'assay', 'assemblages', 'assisted', 'associated', 'atom', 'atoms', 'attenuated', 'attributed', 'backbone',
'base', 'based', 'bearing', 'benzylation', 'binding', 'biomolecule', 'biotic', 'blocking', 'blood', 'bond',
'bonded', 'bonding', 'bonds', 'boosted', 'bottle', 'bottled', 'bound', 'bridge', 'bridged', 'buffer',
'buffered', 'caged', 'cane', 'capped', 'capturing', 'carrier', 'carrying', 'catalysed', 'catalyzed', 'cation',
'caused', 'centered', 'challenged', 'chelating', 'cleaving', 'coated', 'coating', 'coenzyme', 'competing',
'competitive', 'complex', 'complexes', 'compound', 'compounds', 'concentration', 'conditioned', 'conditions',
'conducting', 'configuration', 'confirmed', 'conjugate', 'conjugated', 'conjugates', 'connectivity',
'consuming', 'contained', 'containing', 'contaminated', 'control', 'converting', 'coordinate', 'coordinated',
'copolymer', 'copolymers', 'core', 'cored', 'cotransport', 'coupled', 'covered', 'crosslinked', 'cyclized',
'damaged', 'dealkylation', 'decocted', 'decorated', 'deethylation', 'deficiency', 'deficient', 'defined',
'degrading', 'demethylated', 'demethylation', 'dendrimer', 'density', 'dependant', 'dependence', 'dependent',
'deplete', 'depleted', 'depleting', 'depletion', 'depolarization', 'depolarized', 'deprived', 'derivatised',
'derivative', 'derivatives', 'derivatized', 'derived', 'desorption', 'detected', 'devalued', 'dextran',
'dextrans', 'diabetic', 'dimensional', 'dimer', 'distribution', 'divalent', 'domain', 'dominated',
'donating', 'donor', 'dopant', 'doped', 'doping', 'dosed', 'dot', 'drinking', 'driven', 'drug', 'drugs', 'dye',
'edge', 'efficiency', 'electrodeposited', 'electrolyte', 'elevating', 'elicited', 'embedded', 'emersion',
'emitting', 'encapsulated', 'encapsulating', 'enclosed', 'enhanced', 'enhancing', 'enriched', 'enrichment',
'enzyme', 'epidermal', 'equivalents', 'etched', 'ethanolamine', 'evoked', 'exchange', 'excimer', 'excluder',
'expanded', 'experimental', 'exposed', 'exposure', 'expressing', 'extract', 'extraction', 'fed', 'finger', 'fixed', 'fixing',
'flanking', 'flavonoid', 'fluorescence', 'formation', 'forming', 'fortified', 'free', 'function',
'functionalised', 'functionalized', 'functionalyzed', 'fused', 'gas', 'gated', 'generating', 'glucuronidating',
'glycoprotein', 'glycosylated', 'glycosylation', 'gradient', 'grafted', 'group', 'groups', 'halogen',
'heterocyclic', 'homologues', 'hydrogel', 'hydrolyzing', 'hydroxylated', 'hydroxylation', 'hydroxysteroid',
'immersion', 'immobilized', 'immunoproteins', 'impregnated', 'imprinted', 'inactivated', 'increased',
'increasing', 'incubated', 'independent', 'induce', 'induced', 'inducible', 'inducing', 'induction', 'influx',
'inhibited', 'inhibitor', 'inhibitory', 'initiated', 'injected', 'insensitive', 'insulin', 'integrated',
'interlinked', 'intermediate', 'intolerant', 'intoxicated', 'ion', 'ions', 'island', 'isomer', 'isomers',
'knot', 'label', 'labeled', 'labeling', 'labelled', 'laden', 'lamp', 'laser', 'layer', 'layers', 'lesioned',
'ligand', 'ligated', 'like', 'limitation', 'limited', 'limiting', 'lined', 'linked', 'linker', 'lipid',
'lipids', 'lipoprotein', 'liposomal', 'liposomes', 'liquid', 'liver', 'loaded', 'loading', 'locked', 'loss',
'lowering', 'lubricants', 'luminance', 'luminescence', 'maintained', 'majority', 'making', 'mannosylated',
'material', 'mediated', 'metabolizing', 'metal', 'metallized', 'methylation', 'migrated', 'mimetic',
'mimicking', 'mixed', 'mixture', 'mode', 'model', 'modified', 'modifying', 'modulated', 'moiety', 'molecule',
'monoadducts', 'monomer', 'mutated', 'nanogel', 'nanoparticle', 'nanotube', 'need', 'negative', 'nitrosated',
'nitrosation', 'nitrosylation', 'nmr', 'noncompetitive', 'normalized', 'nuclear', 'nucleoside', 'nucleosides',
'nucleotide', 'nucleotides', 'nutrition', 'olefin', 'olefins', 'oligomers', 'omitted', 'only',
'outcome', 'overload', 'oxidation', 'oxidized', 'oxo-mediated', 'oxygenation', 'page', 'paired', 'pathway',
'patterned', 'peptide', 'permeabilized', 'permeable', 'phase', 'phospholipids', 'phosphopeptide',
'phosphorylated', 'pillared', 'placebo', 'planted', 'plasma', 'polymer', 'polymers', 'poor', 'porous',
'position', 'positive', 'postlabeling', 'precipitated', 'preferring', 'pretreated', 'primed', 'produced',
'producing', 'production', 'promoted', 'promoting', 'protected', 'protein', 'proteomic', 'protonated',
'provoked', 'purified', 'radical', 'reacting', 'reaction', 'reactive', 'reagents', 'rearranged', 'receptor',
'receptors', 'recognition', 'redistribution', 'redox', 'reduced', 'reducing', 'reduction', 'refractory',
'refreshed', 'regenerating', 'regulated', 'regulating', 'regulatory', 'related', 'release', 'releasing',
'replete', 'requiring', 'resistance', 'resistant', 'resitant', 'response', 'responsive', 'responsiveness',
'restricted', 'resulted', 'retinal', 'reversible', 'ribosylated', 'ribosylating', 'ribosylation', 'rich',
'right', 'ring', 'saturated', 'scanning', 'scavengers', 'scavenging', 'sealed', 'secreting', 'secretion',
'seeking', 'selective', 'selectivity', 'semiconductor', 'sensing', 'sensitive', 'sensitized', 'soluble',
'solution', 'solvent', 'sparing', 'specific', 'spiked', 'stabilised', 'stabilized', 'stabilizing', 'stable',
'stained', 'steroidal', 'stimulated', 'stimulating', 'storage', 'stressed', 'stripped', 'substituent',
'substituted', 'substitution', 'substrate', 'sufficient', 'sugar', 'sugars', 'supplemented', 'supported',
'suppressed', 'surface', 'susceptible', 'sweetened', 'synthesizing', 'tagged', 'target', 'telopeptide',
'terminal', 'terminally', 'terminated', 'termini', 'terminus', 'ternary', 'terpolymer', 'tertiary', 'tested',
'testes', 'tethered', 'tetrabrominated', 'tolerance', 'tolerant', 'toxicity', 'toxin', 'tracer', 'transfected',
'transfer', 'transition', 'transport', 'transporter', 'treated', 'treating', 'treatment', 'triggered',
'turn', 'type', 'unesterified', 'untreated', 'vacancies', 'vacancy', 'variable', 'water', 'yeast', 'yield',
NO_SPLIT = {'°c'}
[docs] def get_additional_regex(self, sentence):
additional_regex = [self.QUANTITY_RE]
quantity_re = sentence.quantity_re
if quantity_re:
# print('quantity re added')
return additional_regex
def _closing_bracket_index(self, text, bpair=('(', ')')):
"""Return the index of the closing bracket that matches the opening bracket at the start of the text."""
level = 1
for i, char in enumerate(text[1:]):
if char == bpair[0]:
level += 1
elif char == bpair[1]:
level -= 1
if level == 0:
return i + 1
def _opening_bracket_index(self, text, bpair=('(', ')')):
"""Return the index of the opening bracket that matches the closing bracket at the end of the text."""
level = 1
for i, char in enumerate(reversed(text[:-1])):
if char == bpair[1]:
level += 1
elif char == bpair[0]:
level -= 1
if level == 0:
return len(text) - i - 2
def _is_number(self, text):
"""Return True if the text is a number."""
return True
except ValueError:
return False
def _is_saccharide_arrow(self, before, after):
"""Return True if the arrow is in a chemical name."""
if (before and after and before[-1].isdigit() and after[0].isdigit() and
before.rstrip('0123456789').endswith('(') and after.lstrip('0123456789').startswith(')-')):
return True
return False
def _subspan(self, s, span, nextspan, additional_regex):
if additional_regex is None:
additional_regex = [self.QUANTITY_RE]
"""Recursively subdivide spans based on a series of rules."""
text = s[span[0]:span[1]]
lowertext = text.lower()
# Skip if only a single character or a split sequence
if span[1] - span[0] < 2 or text in self.SPLIT or text in self.SPLIT_END_WORD or text in self.SPLIT_START_WORD or lowertext in self.NO_SPLIT:
return [span]
# Skip if it looks like URL
if text.startswith('http://') or text.startswith('ftp://') or text.startswith('www.'):
return [span]
# Split full stop at end of final token (allow certain characters to follow) unless ellipsis
if self.split_last_stop and nextspan is None and text not in self.NO_SPLIT_STOP and not text[-3:] == '...':
if text[-1] == '.':
return self._split_span(span, -1)
ind = text.rfind('.')
if ind > -1 and all(t in '\'‘’"“”)]}' for t in text[ind + 1:]):
return self._split_span(span, ind, 1)
# Split off certain sequences at the end of a token
for spl in self.SPLIT_END:
if text.endswith(spl) and len(text) > len(spl):
return self._split_span(span, -len(spl), 0)
# Split off certain sequences at the end of a word
for spl in self.SPLIT_END_WORD:
if text.endswith(spl) and len(text) > len(spl) and text[-len(spl) - 1].isalpha():
return self._split_span(span, -len(spl), 0)
# Split off certain sequences at the end of a word
for spl in self.SPLIT_START_WORD:
if text.startswith(spl) and len(text) > len(spl) and text[-len(spl) - 1].isalpha():
return self._split_span(span, len(spl), 0)
# Split around certain sequences
for spl in self.SPLIT:
ind = text.find(spl)
if ind > -1:
return self._split_span(span, ind, len(spl))
# Split around certain sequences unless followed by a digit
# - We skip this because of difficulty with chemical names.
# for spl in self.SPLIT_NO_DIGIT:
# ind = text.rfind(spl)
# if ind > -1 and (len(text) <= ind + len(spl) or not text[ind + len(spl)].isdigit()):
# return self._split_span(span, ind, len(spl))
# Split off certain sequences at the end of a token unless preceded by a digit
for spl in self.SPLIT_END_NO_DIGIT:
if text.endswith(spl) and len(text) > len(spl) and not text[-len(spl) - 1].isdigit():
return self._split_span(span, -len(spl), 0)
# Regular Bracket at both start and end, break off both provided they correspond
if text.startswith('(') and text.endswith(')') and self._closing_bracket_index(text) == len(text) - 1:
return self._split_span(span, 1, len(text)-2)
# Split things like IR(KBr)
if text.startswith('IR(') and text.endswith(')'):
return self._split_span(span, 2, 1)
# Split things like \d+\.\d+([a-z]+) e.g. UV-vis/IR peaks with bracketed strength/shape
m = re.match('^(\d+\.\d+|\d{3,})(\([a-z]+\))$', text, re.I)
if m:
return self._split_span(span, m.start(2), 1)
# Split brackets off start and end if the corresponding bracket isn't within token
for bpair in [('(', ')'), ('{', '}'), ('[', ']')]:
#level = bracket_level(text, open=[bpair[0]], close=[bpair[1]])
# Bracket at start, bracketlevel > 0, break it off
if text.startswith(bpair[0]) and self._closing_bracket_index(text, bpair=bpair) is None:
return self._split_span(span, 1, 0)
# Bracket at end, bracketlevel < 0, break it off
if text.endswith(bpair[1]) and self._opening_bracket_index(text, bpair=bpair) is None:
return self._split_span(span, -1, 0)
# TODO: Consider splitting around comma in limited circumstances. Mainly to fix whitespace errors.
# Characters to split around, but with exceptions
for i, char in enumerate(text):
before = text[:i]
after = text[i+1:]
if char in {':', ';'}:
# Split around colon unless it looks like we're in a chemical name
if not (before and after and after[0].isdigit() and before.rstrip('′\'')[-1:].isdigit() and '-' in after) and not (self.NO_SPLIT_CHEM.search(before) and self.NO_SPLIT_CHEM.search(after)):
return self._split_span(span, i, 1)
elif char in {'x', '+', '−'}:
# Split around x, +, − (\u2212 minus) between two numbers or at start followed by numbers
if (i == 0 or self._is_number(before)) and self._is_number(after):
return self._split_span(span, i, 1)
# Also plit around − (\u2212 minus) between two letters
if char == '−' and before and before[-1].isalpha() and after and after[0].isalpha():
return self._split_span(span, i, 1)
elif char == '±':
# Split around ± unless surrounded by brackets
if not (before and after and before[-1] == '(' and after[0] == ')'):
return self._split_span(span, i, 1)
elif char == '/':
# Split around / unless '+/-' or '-/-' etc.
if not (before and after and before[-1] in self.NO_SPLIT_SLASH and after[0] in self.NO_SPLIT_SLASH):
return self._split_span(span, i, 1)
elif char == '>':
if not (before and before[-1] == '-'):
# Split if preceding is not -
return self._split_span(span, i, 1)
if before and before[-1] == '-':
# If preceding is -, split around -> unless in chemical name
if not text == '->' and not self._is_saccharide_arrow(before[:-1], after):
return self._split_span(span, i-1, 2)
elif char is '→' and not self._is_saccharide_arrow(before, after):
# TODO: 'is' should be '=='... this never splits!?
# Split around → unless in chemical name
return self._split_span(span, i, 1)
elif char == '(' and self._is_number(before) and not '(' in after and not ')' in after:
# Split around open bracket after a number
return self._split_span(span, i, 1)
elif char == '-':
lowerbefore = lowertext[:i]
lowerafter = lowertext[i+1:]
# Always split on -of-the- -to- -in- -by- -of- -or- -and- -per- -the-
if lowerafter[:7] == 'of-the-':
return [(span[0], span[0] + i), (span[0] + i, span[0] + i + 1), (span[0] + i + 1, span[0] + i + 3), (span[0] + i + 3, span[0] + i + 4), (span[0] + i + 4, span[0] + i + 7), (span[0] + i + 7, span[0] + i + 8), (span[0] + i + 8, span[1])]
if lowerafter[:5] in {'on-a-', 'of-a-'}:
return [(span[0], span[0] + i), (span[0] + i, span[0] + i + 1), (span[0] + i + 1, span[0] + i + 3), (span[0] + i + 3, span[0] + i + 4), (span[0] + i + 4, span[0] + i + 5), (span[0] + i + 5, span[0] + i + 6), (span[0] + i + 6, span[1])]
if lowerafter[:3] in {'to-', 'in-', 'by-', 'of-', 'or-', 'on-'}:
return [(span[0], span[0] + i), (span[0] + i, span[0] + i + 1), (span[0] + i + 1, span[0] + i + 3), (span[0] + i + 3, span[0] + i + 4), (span[0] + i + 4, span[1])]
if lowerafter[:4] in {'and-', 'per-', 'the-'}:
return [(span[0], span[0] + i), (span[0] + i, span[0] + i + 1), (span[0] + i + 1, span[0] + i + 4), (span[0] + i + 4, span[0] + i + 5), (span[0] + i + 5, span[1])]
# By default we split on hyphens
split = True
if lowerafter == 'nmr':
split = True # Always split NMR off end
elif bracket_level(text) == 0 and (not bracket_level(after) == 0 or not bracket_level(before) == 0):
split = False # Don't split if within brackets
elif after and after[0] == '>':
split = False # Don't split if followed by >
elif lowerbefore in self.NO_SPLIT_PREFIX or lowerafter in self.NO_SPLIT_SUFFIX:
split = False # Don't split if prefix or suffix in list
elif self.NO_SPLIT_PREFIX_ENDING.search(lowerbefore):
split = False # Don't split if prefix ends with pattern
elif lowerafter in self.SPLIT_SUFFIX:
split = True # Do split if suffix in list
elif len(before) <= 1 or len(after) <= 2:
split = False # Don't split if not at least 2 char before and 3 after
elif self.NO_SPLIT_CHEM.search(lowerbefore) or self.NO_SPLIT_CHEM.search(lowerafter):
split = False # Don't split if prefix or suffix match chem regex
if split:
return self._split_span(span, i, 1)
# TODO: Errors:
# [³H]-choline
# S,S'-...
# 1,4-di-substituted
# 11-β - hydroxysteroid
# Spelt out greek: 11beta - hydroxysteroid
# ...-N-substituted like 2,5-dimethyl-N-substituted pyrroles
# 4-(2-Butyl-6,7-dichloro-2-cyclopentyl-indan-1-on-5-yl) oxobutyric acid
# Adenosine - monophosphate
# Consistency for amino acids: Arg-Arg and Arg-Arg-Asp... probably always split
# D,L-α-peptide?
# N'-formylkynurenine
# poly(D,L-lactic acid )?
# poly(methyl metha-acrylate )?
# Poly(N - alkyl Acrylamide )
# poly(N - isopropyl acrylamide )
# R,S - lorazepam
# S,S - dioxide
# Split units off the end of a numeric value
# quantity = self.QUANTITY_RE.search(text)
# if quantity:
# return self._split_span(span, len(quantity.group(6) or quantity.group(3) or quantity.group(2)), 0)
# Split pH off the start of a numeric value
if text.startswith('pH') and self._is_number(text[2:]):
return self._split_span(span, 2, 0)
# Split contraction words
for contraction in self.CONTRACTIONS:
if lowertext == contraction[0]:
return self._split_span(span, contraction[1])
additional_regex_handled = self.handle_additional_regex(s, span, nextspan, additional_regex)
if additional_regex_handled is not None:
return additional_regex_handled
if nextspan:
nexttext = s[nextspan[0]:nextspan[1]]
# Split NMR isotope whitespace errors (joined with previous sentence full stop)
if nexttext == 'NMR':
ind = text.rfind('.')
if ind > -1 and text[ind + 1:] in {'1H', '13C', '15N', '31P', '19F', '11B', '29Si', '170', '73Ge', '195Pt', '33S', '13C{1H}'}:
return self._split_span(span, ind, 1)
return [span]
[docs]class FineWordTokenizer(WordTokenizer):
"""Word Tokenizer that also split around hyphens and all colons."""
#: Split before and after these sequences, wherever they occur, unless entire token is one of these sequences
'––––', # \u2013 en dash
'————', # \u2014 em dash
'–––', # \u2013 en dash
'———', # \u2014 em dash
'––', # \u2013 en dash
'——', # \u2014 em dash
'–', # \u2013 en dash
'—', # \u2014 em dash
'―', # \u2015 horizontal bar
'~', # \u007e Tilde
'⁓', # \u2053 Swung dash
'∼', # \u223c Tilde operator
'°', # \u00b0 Degrees
'£', # \u00a3
'€', # \u20ac
'™', # \u2122
'®', # \u00ae
'…', # \u2026
'⋯', # \u22ef Mid-line ellipsis
'†', # \u2020 Dagger
'‡', # \u2021 Double dagger
'§', # \u00a7 Section sign
'¶' # \u00b6 Pilcrow sign
'≠', # \u2260
'≡', # \u2261
'≢', # \u2262
'≣', # \u2263
'≤', # \u2264
'≥', # \u2265
'≦', # \u2266
'≧', # \u2267
'≨', # \u2268
'≩', # \u2269
'≪', # \u226a
'≫', # \u226b
'≈', # \u2248
'÷', # \u00f7
'×', # \u00d7
'→', # \u2192
'⇄', # \u21c4
'"', # \u0022 Quote mark
'“', # \u201c
'”', # \u201d
'„', # \u201e
'‟', # \u201f
'‘', # \u2018 Left single quote
'’', # \u2019 Right single quote
'‚', # \u201a Single low quote
'‛', # \u201b Single reversed quote
'`', # \u0060
'´', # \u00b4
# Primes
'′', # \u2032
'″', # \u2033
'‴', # \u2034
'‵', # \u2035
'‶', # \u2036
'‷', # \u2037
'⁗', # \u2057
# Brackets
# Slashes
'/', # \u002f Solidus
'⁄', # \u2044 Fraction slash
'∕', # \u2215 Division slash
# Hyphens and Minuses
'-', # \u002d Hyphen-minus
'−', # \u2212 Minus
'‒', # \u2012 figure dash
'‐', # \u2010 Hyphen
'‑', # \u2011 Non-breaking hyphen
'+', # \u002b Plus
'±', # \u00b1 Plus/Minus
#: Split before these sequences if they end a token
#: Don't split around hyphens with these prefixes
#: Don't split around hyphens with these suffixes.
def _subspan(self, s, span, nextspan, additional_regex):
"""Recursively subdivide spans based on a series of rules."""
# Split on boundaries between greek and non-greek
text = s[span[0]:span[1]]
for i, char in enumerate(text):
if i < len(text) - 1:
nextchar = text[i + 1]
if (char in GREEK and nextchar not in GREEK) or (char not in GREEK and nextchar in GREEK):
return [(span[0], span[0] + i + 1), (span[0] + i + 1, span[1])]
# Perform all normal WordTokenizer splits
return super(FineWordTokenizer, self)._subspan(s, span, nextspan, additional_regex)