# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Readers for documents from the RSC.
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import logging
from ..doc.text import Footnote, Caption
from ..scrape.pub.rsc import replace_rsc_img_chars
from ..scrape.clean import clean, Cleaner
from .markup import HtmlReader
from ..doc.table import Table
from lxml import etree
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# XML stripper that removes the tags around numbers in chemical formulas
strip_rsc_html = Cleaner(strip_xpath='.//b')
[docs]def rsc_html_whitespace(document):
""" Remove whitespace in xml.text or xml.tails for all elements, if it is only whitespace """
# selects all tags and checks if the text or tail are spaces
for el in document.xpath('//*'):
if el.tag == 'b':
if str(el.text).isspace():
el.text = ''
if str(el.tail).isspace():
el.tail = ''
if el.text:
el.text = el.text.replace('\n', ' ')
return document
[docs]def join_rsc_table_captions(document):
"""Add wrapper tag around Tables and their respective captions
document {[type]} -- [description]
for el in document.xpath('//div[@class="table_caption"]'):
next_el = el.getnext()
if next_el.tag == 'div' and next_el.attrib['class'] == 'rtable__wrapper':
caption_el = el
table_el = next_el
table_el.insert(0, caption_el)
return document
[docs]class RscHtmlReader(HtmlReader):
"""Reader for HTML documents from the RSC."""
cleaners = [clean, rsc_html_whitespace, replace_rsc_img_chars, join_rsc_table_captions, strip_rsc_html]
root_css = 'html'
title_css = 'h1, .title_heading'
heading_css = 'h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, .a_heading, .b_heading, .c_heading, .c_heading_indent, .d_heading, .d_heading_indent'
citation_css = 'span[id^="cit"]'
table_css = 'div[class^="rtable__wrapper"]'
table_caption_css = '.table_caption'
table_head_row_css = 'table thead tr'
table_body_row_css = 'table tbody tr'
table_footnote_css = 'table tfoot tr th .sup_inf'
reference_css = 'small sup a, a[href^="#cit"], a[href^="#fn"], a[href^="#tab"]'
figure_css = '.image_table'
figure_caption_css = '.graphic_title'
figure_label_css = 'td.image_title b'
figure_download_link_css = 'img::attr(src)'
ignore_css = '.table_caption + table, .left_head, sup span.sup_ref, small sup a, a[href^="#fn"], .PMedLink'
def _parse_table_footnotes(self, fns, refs, specials):
"""Override to account for awkward RSC table footnotes."""
footnotes = []
for fn in fns:
footnote = self._parse_text(fn, refs=refs, specials=specials, element_cls=Footnote)[0]
footnote += Footnote('', id=fn.getprevious().get('id'))
return footnotes
[docs] def detect(self, fstring, fname=None):
if fname and not (fname.endswith('.html') or fname.endswith('.htm')):
return False
if b'meta name="citation_doi" content="10.1039' in fstring or b'meta content="Royal Society of Chemistry"' in fstring:
return True
return False