Source code for chemdataextractor.biblio.xmp

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Parse metadata stored as XMP (Extensible Metadata Platform).

This is commonly embedded within PDF documents, and can be extracted using the PDFMiner framework.

More information is available on the Adobe website:


from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals

from collections import defaultdict
from lxml import etree

RDF_NS = '{}'
XML_NS = '{}'
NS_MAP = {
    '': 'rdf',
    '': 'dc',
    '': 'xap',
    '': 'pdf',
    '': 'xapmm',
    '': 'pdfx',
    '': 'prism',
    '': 'crossmark',
    '': 'rights',
    '': 'xml'

[docs]class XmpParser(object): """A parser that converts an XMP metadata string into a python dictionary. Usage:: parser = XmpParser() metadata = parser.parse(xmpstring) Common namespaces are abbreviated in the output using the definitions in ``xmp.NS_MAP``. If an abbreviation for a namespace is not defined in ``NS_MAP``, the full URL is used as the key in the output dictionary. It is possible to override ``NS_MAP`` when initializing the parser:: parser = XmpParser(ns_map={'': 'xml'}) metadata = parser.parse(xmpstring) """
[docs] def __init__(self, ns_map=NS_MAP): self.ns_map = ns_map
[docs] def parse(self, xmp): """Run parser and return a dictionary of all the parsed metadata.""" tree = etree.fromstring(xmp) rdf_tree = tree.find(RDF_NS + 'RDF') meta = defaultdict(dict) for desc in rdf_tree.findall(RDF_NS + 'Description'): for el in desc.getchildren(): ns, tag = self._parse_tag(el) value = self._parse_value(el) meta[ns][tag] = value return dict(meta)
def _parse_tag(self, el): """Extract the namespace and tag from an element.""" ns = None tag = el.tag if tag[0] == '{': ns, tag = tag[1:].split('}', 1) if self.ns_map and ns in self.ns_map: ns = self.ns_map[ns] return ns, tag def _parse_value(self, el): """Extract the metadata value from an element.""" if el.find(RDF_NS + 'Bag') is not None: value = [] for li in el.findall(RDF_NS + 'Bag/' + RDF_NS + 'li'): value.append(li.text) elif el.find(RDF_NS + 'Seq') is not None: value = [] for li in el.findall(RDF_NS + 'Seq/' + RDF_NS + 'li'): value.append(li.text) elif el.find(RDF_NS + 'Alt') is not None: value = {} for li in el.findall(RDF_NS + 'Alt/' + RDF_NS + 'li'): value[li.get(XML_NS + 'lang')] = li.text else: value = el.text return value
[docs]def parse_xmp(xmp): """Shorthand function for parsing an XMP string into a python dictionary.""" return XmpParser().parse(xmp)