Source code for chemdataextractor.doc.text

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Text-based document elements.


from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from abc import abstractproperty
import collections
import logging
import re
from pprint import pprint
from deprecation import deprecated
import unicodedata

import six

from ..model.base import ModelList, sort_merge_candidates
from ..nlp.lexicon import ChemLexicon, Lexicon
from ..nlp.cem import IGNORE_PREFIX, IGNORE_SUFFIX, SPECIALS, SPLITS, CiDictCemTagger, CsDictCemTagger, CrfCemTagger
from ..nlp.new_cem import CemTagger
from ..nlp.abbrev import ChemAbbreviationDetector
from ..nlp.tag import NoneTagger, POS_TAG_TYPE, NER_TAG_TYPE
from ..nlp.pos import ChemCrfPosTagger, CrfPosTagger, ApPosTagger, ChemApPosTagger
# from ..nlp.tokenize import ChemSentenceTokenizer, ChemWordTokenizer, regex_span_tokenize, SentenceTokenizer, WordTokenizer, FineWordTokenizer, ChemTokWordTokenizer, SpacyTokenizer
from ..nlp.tokenize import BertWordTokenizer, ChemSentenceTokenizer, regex_span_tokenize, SentenceTokenizer, WordTokenizer
from ..nlp.subsentence import SubsentenceExtractor, NoneSubsentenceExtractor
from ..nlp.dependency import DependencyTagger, IndexTagger
from ..text import CONTROL_RE
from ..utils import memoized_property, python_2_unicode_compatible, first
from .element import BaseElement
from ..parse.definitions import specifier_definition
from ..parse.cem import chemical_name, cem_phrase
from ..parse.quantity import construct_quantity_re
from ..model.model import Compound, NmrSpectrum, IrSpectrum, UvvisSpectrum, MeltingPoint, GlassTransition
from ..model.contextual_range import SentenceRange

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
cem_tagger = CemTagger()

[docs]@python_2_unicode_compatible class BaseText(BaseElement): """Abstract base class for a text Document Element.""" taggers = [] """ A list of :class:`~chemdataextractor.nlp.tag.BaseTagger` instances. This is a list of taggers that will be called by ChemDataExtractor to assign tags to each of the tokens in this element. """
[docs] def __init__(self, text, word_tokenizer=None, lexicon=None, abbreviation_detector=None, pos_tagger=None, ner_tagger=None, taggers=None, **kwargs): """ .. note:: If intended as part of a :class:`~chemdataextractor.doc.document.Document`, an element should either be initialized with a reference to its containing document, or its :attr:`document` attribute should be set as soon as possible. If the element is being passed in to a :class:`~chemdataextractor.doc.document.Document` to initialise it, the :attr:`document` attribute is automatically set during the initialisation of the document, so the user does not need to worry about this. :param str text: The text contained in this element. :param WordTokenizer word_tokenizer: (Optional) Word tokenizer for this element. :param Lexicon lexicon: (Optional) Lexicon for this element. The lexicon stores all the occurences of unique words and can provide Brown clusters for the words. :param AbbreviationDetector abbreviation_detector: (Optional) The abbreviation detector for this element. :param BaseTagger pos_tagger: (Optional) The part of speech tagger for this element. :param BaseTagger ner_tagger: (Optional) The named entity recognition tagger for this element. :param Document document: (Optional) The document containing this element. :param str label: (Optional) The label for the captioned element, e.g. Table 1 would have a label of 1. :param Any id: (Optional) Some identifier for this element. Must be equatable. :param list[chemdataextractor.models.BaseModel] models: (Optional) A list of models for this element to parse. If the element is part of another element (e.g. a :class:`~chemdataextractor.doc.text.Sentence` inside a :class:`~chemdataextractor.doc.text.Paragraph`), or is part of a :class:`~chemdataextractor.doc.document.Document`, this is set automatically to be the same as that of the containing element, unless manually set otherwise. """ if not isinstance(text, six.text_type): raise TypeError('Text must be a unicode string') super(BaseText, self).__init__(**kwargs) self._text = text self.word_tokenizer = word_tokenizer if word_tokenizer is not None else self.word_tokenizer self.lexicon = lexicon if lexicon is not None else self.lexicon self.abbreviation_detector = abbreviation_detector if abbreviation_detector is not None else self.abbreviation_detector if taggers is not None and len(taggers) != 0: self.taggers = taggers
def __repr__(self): return '%s(id=%r, references=%r, text=%r)' % (self.__class__.__name__,, self.references, self._text) def __str__(self): return self._text @property def text(self): """The raw text :class:`str` for this passage of text.""" return self._text @abstractproperty def word_tokenizer(self): """The :class:`~chemdataextractor.nlp.tokenize.WordTokenizer` used by this element.""" return @abstractproperty def lexicon(self): """The :class:`~chemdataextractor.nlp.lexicon.Lexicon` used by this element.""" return @property def pos_tagger(self): """The part of speech tagger used by this element. A subclass of :class:`~chemdataextractor.nlp.tag.BaseTagger`""" for tagger in reversed(self.taggers): if tagger.can_tag(POS_TAG_TYPE): return tagger @pos_tagger.setter @deprecated(deprecated_in="2.1", details="Deprecated due to the introduction of taggers API. Consult the migration guide for more information.") def pos_tagger(self, value): if not value.can_tag(POS_TAG_TYPE): value.tag_type = POS_TAG_TYPE self.taggers.append(value) @property def ner_tagger(self): """The named entity recognition tagger used by this element. A subclass of :class:`~chemdataextractor.nlp.tag.BaseTagger`""" for tagger in reversed(self.taggers): if tagger.can_tag(NER_TAG_TYPE): return tagger @ner_tagger.setter @deprecated(deprecated_in="2.1", details="Deprecated due to the introduction of taggers API. Consult the migration guide for more information.") def ner_tagger(self, value): if not value.can_tag(NER_TAG_TYPE): value.tag_type = NER_TAG_TYPE self.taggers.append(value) @abstractproperty def tokens(self): """A list of :class:`RichToken` s for this object.""" return @abstractproperty def tags(self): """ A list of tags corresponding to each of the tokens in the object. For information on what each of the tags can be, check the documentation on the specific :attr:`ner_tagger` and :attr:`pos_tagger` used for this class. """ return @abstractproperty def definitions(self): """ A list of all specifier definitions """ return @abstractproperty def chemical_definitions(self): """A list of all chemical label definitiond """ return
[docs] def serialize(self): """ Convert self to a dictionary. The key 'type' will contain the name of the class being serialized, and the key 'content' will contain a serialized representation of :attr:`text`, which is a :class:`str` """ data = {'type': self.__class__.__name__, 'content': self.text} return data
def _repr_html_(self): return self.text
[docs]class Text(collections.Sequence, BaseText): """A passage of text, comprising one or more sentences.""" sentence_tokenizer = ChemSentenceTokenizer() word_tokenizer = BertWordTokenizer() lexicon = ChemLexicon() abbreviation_detector = ChemAbbreviationDetector() taggers = [ChemCrfPosTagger(), cem_tagger, DependencyTagger()] subsentence_extractor = None
[docs] def __init__(self, text, sentence_tokenizer=None, word_tokenizer=None, lexicon=None, abbreviation_detector=None, pos_tagger=None, ner_tagger=None, parsers=None, **kwargs): """ .. note:: If intended as part of a :class:`~chemdataextractor.doc.document.Document`, an element should either be initialized with a reference to its containing document, or its :attr:`document` attribute should be set as soon as possible. If the element is being passed in to a :class:`~chemdataextractor.doc.document.Document` to initialise it, the :attr:`document` attribute is automatically set during the initialisation of the document, so the user does not need to worry about this. :param str text: The text contained in this element. :param SentenceTokenizer sentence_tokenizer: (Optional) Sentence tokenizer for this element. Default :class:`~chemdataextractor.nlp.tokenize.ChemSentenceTokenizer`. :param WordTokenizer word_tokenizer: (Optional) Word tokenizer for this element. Default :class:`~chemdataextractor.nlp.tokenize.ChemWordTokenizer`. :param Lexicon lexicon: (Optional) Lexicon for this element. The lexicon stores all the occurences of unique words and can provide Brown clusters for the words. Default :class:`~chemdataextractor.nlp.lexicon.ChemLexicon` :param AbbreviationDetector abbreviation_detector: (Optional) The abbreviation detector for this element. Default :class:`~chemdataextractor.nlp.abbrev.ChemAbbreviationDetector`. :param BaseTagger pos_tagger: (Optional) The part of speech tagger for this element. Default :class:`~chemdataextractor.nlp.pos.ChemCrfPosTagger`. :param BaseTagger ner_tagger: (Optional) The named entity recognition tagger for this element. Default :class:`~chemdataextractor.nlp.cem.CemTagger` :param Document document: (Optional) The document containing this element. :param str label: (Optional) The label for the captioned element, e.g. Table 1 would have a label of 1. :param Any id: (Optional) Some identifier for this element. Must be equatable. :param list[chemdataextractor.models.BaseModel] models: (Optional) A list of models for this element to parse. If the element is part of another element (e.g. a :class:`~chemdataextractor.doc.text.Sentence` inside a :class:`~chemdataextractor.doc.text.Paragraph`), or is part of a :class:`~chemdataextractor.doc.document.Document`, this is set automatically to be the same as that of the containing element, unless manually set otherwise. """ super(Text, self).__init__(text, word_tokenizer=word_tokenizer, lexicon=lexicon, abbreviation_detector=abbreviation_detector, pos_tagger=pos_tagger, ner_tagger=ner_tagger, parsers=None, **kwargs) self.sentence_tokenizer = sentence_tokenizer if sentence_tokenizer is not None else self.sentence_tokenizer
def __getitem__(self, index): return self.sentences[index] def __len__(self): return len(self.sentences)
[docs] def set_config(self): """ Load settings from configuration file .. note:: Called when Document instance is created """ if self.document is None: pass else: c = self.document.config if 'SENTENCE_TOKENIZER' in c.keys(): self.sentence_tokenizer = eval(c['SENTENCE_TOKENIZER'])() if 'WORD_TOKENIZER' in c.keys(): self.word_tokenizer = eval(c['WORD_TOKENIZER'])() if 'POS_TAGGER' in c.keys(): self.pos_tagger = eval(c['POS_TAGGER'])() if 'NER_TAGGER' in c.keys(): self.ner_tagger = eval(c['NER_TAGGER'])() if 'LEXICON' in c.keys(): self.lexicon = eval(c['LEXICON'])() if 'PARSERS' in c.keys(): raise(DeprecationWarning('Manually setting parsers deprecated, any settings from config files for this will be ignored.'))
@memoized_property def sentences(self): """A list of :class:`Sentence` s that make up this text passage.""" sents = self.sentence_tokenizer.get_sentences(self) for sent in sents: sent.document = self.document return sents @property def elements(self): return self.sentences def _sentences_from_spans(self, spans): sents = [] for span in spans: sent = Sentence( text=self.text[span[0]:span[1]], start=span[0], end=span[1], word_tokenizer=self.word_tokenizer, lexicon=self.lexicon, abbreviation_detector=self.abbreviation_detector, pos_tagger=self.pos_tagger, ner_tagger=self.ner_tagger, document=self.document, models=self.models, taggers=self.taggers, subsentence_extractor=self.subsentence_extractor, ) sents.append(sent) return sents @property def raw_sentences(self): """A list of :class:`str` for the sentences that make up this text passage.""" return [sentence.text for sentence in self.sentences] @property def tokens(self): return [sent.tokens for sent in self.sentences] @property def raw_tokens(self): """A list of :class:`str` representations for the tokens of each sentence in this text passage.""" return [sent.raw_tokens for sent in self.sentences] @property def pos_tagged_tokens(self): """A list of (:class:`Token` token, :class:`str` tag) tuples for each sentence in this text passage.""" return [sent.pos_tagged_tokens for sent in self.sentences] @property def pos_tags(self): """A list of :class:`str` part of speech tags for each sentence in this text passage.""" return [sent.pos_tags for sent in self.sentences] @property def unprocessed_ner_tagged_tokens(self): """ A list of (:class:`Token` token, :class:`str` named entity recognition tag) from the text. No corrections from abbreviation detection are performed. """ return [sent.unprocessed_ner_tagged_tokens for sent in self.sentences] @property def unprocessed_ner_tags(self): """ A list of :class:`str` unprocessed named entity tags for the tokens in this sentence. No corrections from abbreviation detection are performed. """ return [sent.unprocessed_ner_tags for sent in self.sentences] @property def ner_tagged_tokens(self): """ A list of (:class:`Token` token, :class:`str` named entity recognition tag) from the text. """ return [sent.ner_tagged_tokens for sent in self.sentences] @property def ner_tags(self): """ A list of named entity tags corresponding to each of the tokens in the object. For information on what each of the tags can be, check the documentation on the specific :attr:`ner_tagger` used for this object. """ return [sent.ner_tags for sent in self.sentences] @property def cems(self): """ A list of all Chemical Entity Mentions in this text as :class:`chemdataextractor.doc.text.span` """ return [cem for sent in self.sentences for cem in sent.cems] @property def definitions(self): """ Return a list of tagged definitions for each sentence in this text passage """ return [definition for sent in self.sentences for definition in sent.definitions] @property def chemical_definitions(self): """ Return a list of tagged definitions for each sentence in this text passage """ return [definition for sent in self.sentences for definition in sent.chemical_definitions] @property @deprecated(deprecated_in="2.1", details="Deprecated due to the introduction of RichTokens, and is now just an alias for .tokens.") def tagged_tokens(self): """ A list of lists of :class:`~chemdataextractor.doc.text.RichToken` instances found in the text. """ return [sent.tagged_tokens for sent in self.sentences] @property def tags(self): return [sent.tags for sent in self.sentences] @property def abbreviation_definitions(self): """ A list of all abbreviation definitions in this Document. Each abbreviation is in the form (:class:`str` abbreviation, :class:`str` long form of abbreviation, :class:`str` ner_tag) """ return [ab for sent in self.sentences for ab in sent.abbreviation_definitions] @property def records(self): """All records found in the object, as a list of :class:`~chemdataextractor.model.base.BaseModel`.""" records_by_sentence = [sent.records for sent in self.sentences] num_sentences = len(records_by_sentence) for index, sent_records in enumerate(records_by_sentence): offset = 1 max_offset = max(num_sentences - index, index) merge_candidates = [] while offset <= max_offset: backwards_index = index - offset forwards_index = index + offset distance = offset * SentenceRange() merge_candidates.extend([(distance, record) for record in records_by_sentence[backwards_index]]) if backwards_index >= 0: merge_candidates.extend((distance, record) for record in records_by_sentence[backwards_index]) if forwards_index < num_sentences: merge_candidates.extend((distance, record) for record in records_by_sentence[forwards_index]) offset += 1 self._resolve_contextual(sent_records, sort_merge_candidates(merge_candidates)) # Don't sort these records as this encodes where they were found in the paragraph records = ModelList(*[r for sentence_records in records_by_sentence for r in sentence_records]) records.remove_subsets() return records def _resolve_contextual(self, parent_records, child_records): for parent_record in parent_records: for distance, child_record in child_records: parent_record.merge_contextual(child_record, distance=distance) def __add__(self, other): if type(self) == type(other): merged = self.__class__( text=self.text + other.text, or, references=self.references + other.references, sentence_tokenizer=self.sentence_tokenizer, word_tokenizer=self.word_tokenizer, lexicon=self.lexicon, abbreviation_detector=self.abbreviation_detector, pos_tagger=self.pos_tagger, ner_tagger=self.ner_tagger, ) return merged return NotImplemented
[docs]class Title(Text):
[docs] def __init__(self, text, **kwargs): super(Title, self).__init__(text, **kwargs) self.models = []
def _repr_html_(self): return '<h1 class="cde-title">' + self.text + '</h1>'
[docs]class Heading(Text):
[docs] def __init__(self, text, **kwargs): super(Heading, self).__init__(text, **kwargs) self.models = []
# default_parsers = [CompoundHeadingParser(), ChemicalLabelParser()] def _repr_html_(self): return '<h2 class="cde-title">' + self.text + '</h2>'
[docs]class Paragraph(Text):
[docs] def __init__(self, text, **kwargs): super(Paragraph, self).__init__(text, **kwargs) # default_parsers = [CompoundParser(), ChemicalLabelParser(), NmrParser(), IrParser(), UvvisParser(), MpParser(), # TgParser(), ContextParser()] self.models = []
def _repr_html_(self): return '<p class="cde-paragraph">' + self.text + '</p>'
[docs]class Footnote(Text):
[docs] def __init__(self, text, **kwargs): super(Footnote, self).__init__(text, **kwargs) # default_parsers = [ContextParser(), CaptionContextParser()] self.models = []
def _repr_html_(self): return '<p class="cde-footnote">' + self.text + '</p>'
[docs]class Citation(Text): taggers = [ChemCrfPosTagger(), NoneTagger(tag_type=NER_TAG_TYPE), NoneTagger(tag_type="dependency"), IndexTagger()] abbreviation_detector = None subsentence_extractor = NoneSubsentenceExtractor() # TODO: Citation parser # TODO: Store number/label def _repr_html_(self): return '<p class="cde-citation">' + self.text + '</p>'
[docs]class Caption(Text):
[docs] def __init__(self, text, **kwargs): super(Caption, self).__init__(text, **kwargs) self.models = []
# default_parsers = [CompoundParser(), ChemicalLabelParser(), CaptionContextParser()] def _repr_html_(self): return '<caption class="cde-caption">' + self.text + '</caption>' @property def definitions(self): return [definition for sent in self.sentences for definition in sent.definitions]
[docs]class Sentence(BaseText): """A single sentence within a text passage.""" word_tokenizer = BertWordTokenizer() lexicon = ChemLexicon() abbreviation_detector = ChemAbbreviationDetector() subsentence_extractor = SubsentenceExtractor() taggers = [ChemCrfPosTagger(), cem_tagger, DependencyTagger()] specifier_definition = specifier_definition
[docs] def __init__(self, text, start=0, end=None, word_tokenizer=None, lexicon=None, abbreviation_detector=None, pos_tagger=None, ner_tagger=None, specifier_definition=None, subsentence_extractor=None, **kwargs): """ .. note:: If intended as part of a :class:`chemdataextractor.doc.document.Document`, an element should either be initialized with a reference to its containing document, or its :attr:`document` attribute should be set as soon as possible. If the element is being passed in to a :class:`chemdataextractor.doc.document.Document` to initialise it, the :attr:`document` attribute is automatically set during the initialisation of the document, so the user does not need to worry about this. :param str text: The text contained in this element. :param int start: (Optional) The starting index of the sentence within the containing element. Default 0. :param int end: (Optional) The end index of the sentence within the containing element. Defualt None :param WordTokenizer word_tokenizer: (Optional) Word tokenizer for this element. Default :class:`~chemdataextractor.nlp.tokenize.ChemWordTokenizer`. :param Lexicon lexicon: (Optional) Lexicon for this element. The lexicon stores all the occurences of unique words and can provide Brown clusters for the words. Default :class:`~chemdataextractor.nlp.lexicon.ChemLexicon` :param AbbreviationDetector abbreviation_detector: (Optional) The abbreviation detector for this element. Default :class:`~chemdataextractor.nlp.abbrev.ChemAbbreviationDetector`. :param BaseTagger pos_tagger: (Optional) The part of speech tagger for this element. Default :class:`~chemdataextractor.nlp.pos.ChemCrfPosTagger`. :param BaseTagger ner_tagger: (Optional) The named entity recognition tagger for this element. Default :class:`~chemdataextractor.nlp.cem.CemTagger` :param Document document: (Optional) The document containing this element. :param str label: (Optional) The label for the captioned element, e.g. Table 1 would have a label of 1. :param Any id: (Optional) Some identifier for this element. Must be equatable. :param list[chemdataextractor.models.BaseModel] models: (Optional) A list of models for this element to parse. If the element is part of another element (e.g. a :class:`~chemdataextractor.doc.text.Sentence` inside a :class:`~chemdataextractor.doc.text.Paragraph`), or is part of a :class:`~chemdataextractor.doc.document.Document`, this is set automatically to be the same as that of the containing element, unless manually set otherwise. """ self.models = [] super(Sentence, self).__init__(text, word_tokenizer=word_tokenizer, lexicon=lexicon, abbreviation_detector=abbreviation_detector, pos_tagger=pos_tagger, ner_tagger=ner_tagger, **kwargs) #: The start index of this sentence within the text passage. self.start = start #: The end index of this sentence within the text passage. self.end = end if end is not None else len(text) if specifier_definition is not None: self.specifier_definition = specifier_definition if subsentence_extractor is not None: self.subsentence_extractor = subsentence_extractor
def __repr__(self): return '%s(%r, %r, %r)' % (self.__class__.__name__, self._text, self.start, self.end) @memoized_property def tokens(self): tokens = self.word_tokenizer.get_word_tokens(self) for token in tokens: token.text = "".join(ch for ch in token.text if unicodedata.category(ch)[0] != "C") return tokens def _tokens_for_spans(self, spans): toks = [RichToken( text=self.text[span[0]:span[1]], start=span[0] + self.start, end=span[1] + self.start, lexicon=self.lexicon, sentence=self ) for span in spans] return toks @property def raw_tokens(self): """A list of :class:`str` representations for the tokens in the object.""" return [token.text for token in self.tokens] @memoized_property def pos_tagged_tokens(self): """A list of (:class:`Token` token, :class:`str` tag) tuples for each sentence in this sentence.""" # log.debug('Getting pos tags') return [(token.text, token.pos_tag) for token in self.tokens] @property def pos_tags(self): """A list of :class:`str` part of speech tags for each sentence in this sentence.""" return [token[1] for token in self.pos_tagged_tokens] @memoized_property def unprocessed_ner_tagged_tokens(self): """ A list of (:class:`Token` token, :class:`str` named entity recognition tag) from the text. No corrections from abbreviation detection are performed. """ # log.debug('Getting unprocessed_ner_tags') return [(token.text, token.ner_tag) for token in self.tokens] @memoized_property def unprocessed_ner_tags(self): """ A list of :class:`str` unprocessed named entity tags for the tokens in this sentence. No corrections from abbreviation detection are performed. """ return [token[1] for token in self.unprocessed_ner_tagged_tokens] @memoized_property def abbreviation_definitions(self): """ A list of all abbreviation definitions in this Document. Each abbreviation is in the form (:class:`str` abbreviation, :class:`str` long form of abbreviation, :class:`str` ner_tag) """ abbreviations = [] if self.abbreviation_detector: # log.debug('Detecting abbreviations') ners = self.unprocessed_ner_tags for abbr_span, long_span in self.abbreviation_detector.detect_spans(self.raw_tokens): abbr = self.raw_tokens[abbr_span[0]:abbr_span[1]] long = self.raw_tokens[long_span[0]:long_span[1]] # Check if long is entirely tagged as one named entity type long_tags = ners[long_span[0]:long_span[1]] unique_tags = set([tag[2:] for tag in long_tags if tag is not None]) tag = long_tags[0][2:] if None not in long_tags and len(unique_tags) == 1 else None abbreviations.append((abbr, long, tag)) return abbreviations @memoized_property def ner_tagged_tokens(self): """ A list of (:class:`Token` token, :class:`str` named entity recognition tag) from the sentence. """ return list(zip(self.raw_tokens, self.ner_tags)) @memoized_property def ner_tags(self): """ A list of named entity tags corresponding to each of the tokens in the object. For information on what each of the tags can be, check the documentation on the specific :attr:`ner_tagger` used for this object. """ # log.debug('Getting ner_tags') ner_tags = self.unprocessed_ner_tags abbrev_defs = self.document.abbreviation_definitions if self.document else self.abbreviation_definitions # Ensure abbreviation entity matches long entity # TODO: This is potentially a performance bottleneck? for i in range(0, len(ner_tags)): for abbr, long, ner_tag in abbrev_defs: if abbr == self.raw_tokens[i:i+len(abbr)]: old_ner_tags = ner_tags[i:i+len(abbr)] ner_tags[i] = 'B-%s' % ner_tag if ner_tag is not None else None ner_tags[i+1:i+len(abbr)] = ['I-%s' % ner_tag if ner_tag is not None else None] * (len(abbr) - 1) # Remove ner tags from brackets surrounding abbreviation if i > 1 and self.raw_tokens[i-1] == '(': ner_tags[i-1] = None if i < len(self.raw_tokens) - 1 and self.raw_tokens[i+1] == ')': ner_tags[i+1] = None if not old_ner_tags == ner_tags[i:i+len(abbr)]: log.debug('Correcting abbreviation tag: %s (%s): %s -> %s' % (' '.join(abbr), ' '.join(long), old_ner_tags, ner_tags[i:i+len(abbr)])) # TODO: Ensure abbreviations in brackets at the end of an entity match are separated and the brackets untagged # Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) # Tungsten Carbide (WC) # TODO: Filter off alphanumerics from end (1h) (3) (I) # May need more intelligent return ner_tags @memoized_property def cems(self): """ A list of all Chemical Entity Mentions in this text as :class:`~chemdataextractor.doc.text.Span` """ # log.debug('Getting cems') spans = [] # print(self.text.encode('utf8')) for result in chemical_name.scan(self.tokens): # parser scan yields (result, startindex, endindex) - we just use the indexes here tokens = self.tokens[result[1]:result[2]] start = tokens[0].start end = tokens[-1].end # Adjust boundaries to exclude disallowed prefixes/suffixes currenttext = self.text[start-self.start:end-self.start].lower() for prefix in IGNORE_PREFIX: if currenttext.startswith(prefix): # print('%s removing %s' % (currenttext, prefix)) start += len(prefix) break for suffix in IGNORE_SUFFIX: if currenttext.endswith(suffix): # print('%s removing %s' % (currenttext, suffix)) end -= len(suffix) break # Adjust boundaries to exclude matching brackets at start and end currenttext = self.text[start-self.start:end-self.start] for bpair in [('(', ')'), ('[', ']')]: if len(currenttext) > 2 and currenttext[0] == bpair[0] and currenttext[-1] == bpair[1]: level = 1 for k, char in enumerate(currenttext[1:]): if char == bpair[0]: level += 1 elif char == bpair[1]: level -= 1 if level == 0 and k == len(currenttext) - 2: start += 1 end -= 1 break # If entity has been reduced to nothing by adjusting boundaries, skip it if start >= end: continue currenttext = self.text[start-self.start:end-self.start] # Do splits split_spans = [] comps = list(regex_span_tokenize(currenttext, '(-|\+|\)?-to-\(?|···|/|\s)')) if len(comps) > 1: for split in SPLITS: if all(, currenttext[comp[0]:comp[1]]) for comp in comps): # print('%s splitting %s' % (currenttext, [currenttext[comp[0]:comp[1]] for comp in comps])) for comp in comps: span = Span(text=currenttext[comp[0]:comp[1]], start=start+comp[0], end=start+comp[1]) # print('SPLIT: %s - %s' % (currenttext, repr(span))) split_spans.append(span) break else: split_spans.append(Span(text=currenttext, start=start, end=end)) else: split_spans.append(Span(text=currenttext, start=start, end=end)) # Do specials for split_span in split_spans: for special in SPECIALS: m =, split_span.text) if m: # print('%s special %s' % (split_span.text, m.groups())) for i in range(1, len(m.groups()) + 1): span = Span(, start=split_span.start+m.start(i), end=split_span.start+m.end(i)) # print('SUBMATCH: %s - %s' % (currenttext, repr(span))) spans.append(span) break else: spans.append(split_span) return spans @memoized_property def definitions(self): """ Return specifier definitions from this sentence A definition consists of: a) A definition -- The quantitity being defined e.g. "Curie Temperature" b) A specifier -- The symbol used to define the quantity e.g. "Tc" c) Start -- The index of the starting point of the definition d) End -- The index of the end point of the definition :return: list -- The specifier definitions """ defs = [] tokens = self.tokens for result in self.specifier_definition.scan(tokens): definition = result[0] start = result[1] end = result[2] new_def = { 'definition': first(definition.xpath('./phrase/text()')), 'specifier': first(definition.xpath('./specifier/text()')), 'tokens': tokens[start:end], 'start': start, 'end': end} defs.append(new_def) return defs @memoized_property def chemical_definitions(self): """Return a list of chemical entity mentions and their associated label """ cem_defs = [] tokens = self.tokens for result in cem_phrase.scan(tokens): tree = result[0] start = result[1] end = result[2] name = first(tree.xpath('./compound/names/text()')) label = first(tree.xpath('./compound/labels/text()')) if name and label: cem_def = { 'name': name, 'label': label, 'start': start, 'end': end } cem_defs.append(cem_def) return cem_defs @memoized_property def tags(self): tags = self.pos_tags for i, tag in enumerate(self.ner_tags): if tag is not None: tags[i] = tag return tags @property @deprecated(deprecated_in="2.1", details="Deprecated due to the introduction of RichTokens, and is now just an alias for .tokens.") def tagged_tokens(self): """ A list of :class:`~chemdataextractor.doc.text.RichToken` instances found in the text. """ return self.tokens def _assign_tags(self, tag_type): """ Assign tags for each token, with some intelligence with regards to which method to use for tagging. See :class:`~chemdataextractor.nlp.tag.BaseTagger` and :ref:`this guide<creating_taggers>` for more information. """ for tagger in reversed(self.taggers): if tagger.can_tag(tag_type): tags = None if hasattr(tagger, "batch_tag_for_type") and tagger.can_batch_tag(tag_type) and self.document is not None: self.document._batch_assign_tags(tagger, tag_type) elif hasattr(tagger, "tag_for_type"): tags = tagger.tag_for_type(self.tokens, tag_type) elif hasattr(tagger, "batch_tag") and self.document is not None: self.document._batch_assign_tags(tagger, tag_type) else: if hasattr(tagger, "tag"): tags = tagger.tag(self.tokens) else: tags = tagger.legacy_tag(self.raw_tokens) if tags is not None: for index, tag in enumerate(tags): self.tokens[index]._tags[tag_type] = tag[1] break @property def quantity_re(self): return construct_quantity_re(*self._streamlined_models) @memoized_property def subsentences(self): subsentence_tokens_list = self.subsentence_extractor.subsentences(self) subsentences = [] for subsentence_tokens in subsentence_tokens_list: subsentence = Subsentence(self, subsentence_tokens) subsentences.append(subsentence) if len(subsentences) == 1: subsentences[0]._is_only_subsentence = True return subsentences @memoized_property def full_subsentence(self): subsentence_tokens = self.tokens return Subsentence(self, subsentence_tokens, is_full_sentence=True) @property def records(self): """All records found in the object, as a list of :class:`~chemdataextractor.model.base.BaseModel`.""" records = ModelList() if len(self.subsentences) != 1: records = self.full_subsentence.records for subsentence in self.subsentences: records.extend(subsentence.records) records.remove_subsets() i = 0 length = len(records) while i < length: j = 0 while j < length: if i != j: records[j].merge_all(records[i]) j += 1 i += 1 cleaned_records = [] for record in records: record._clean(clean_contextual=False) if record.noncontextual_required_fulfilled: cleaned_records.append(record) cleaned_records = ModelList(*cleaned_records) if self.document and self.document._should_remove_subrecord_if_merged_in: cleaned_records._remove_used_subrecords() sorted_records = ModelList(*sorted(cleaned_records, key=lambda el: el.total_confidence() if el.total_confidence() is not None else -10000, reverse=True)) return sorted_records def __add__(self, other): if type(self) == type(other): merged = self.__class__( text=self.text + other.text, start=self.start, end=None, or, references=self.references + other.references, word_tokenizer=self.word_tokenizer, lexicon=self.lexicon, abbreviation_detector=self.abbreviation_detector, pos_tagger=self.pos_tagger, ner_tagger=self.ner_tagger, ) return merged return NotImplemented
[docs]class Subsentence(Sentence): """ A sub-sentence level logical division of text. Used to store clauses in CDE based on clause extraction as described in the paper Automated Construction of a Photocatalysis Dataset for Water-Splitting Applications ( An example of subsentences would be “A has quality α” and “A has quality β” from the sentence “A has quality α and quality β”. This enables rule-based and template-based parsing to adapt to a wider range of sentences. """ tokens = []
[docs] def __init__(self, parent_sentence, tokens, is_full_sentence=False): super().__init__(' '.join([token.text for token in tokens])) self.tokens = tokens self.models = parent_sentence.models self.parent_sentence = parent_sentence self.document = self.parent_sentence.document self.is_full_sentence = is_full_sentence self._is_only_subsentence = False
@property def records(self): """All records found in the object, as a list of :class:`~chemdataextractor.model.base.BaseModel`.""" records = ModelList() seen_labels = set() skip_parsers = self.document.skip_parsers if self.document is not None else [] for model in self._streamlined_models: for parser in model.parsers: if parser in skip_parsers: continue if hasattr(parser, 'parse_sentence'): if (parser.parse_full_sentence != self.is_full_sentence) and not self._is_only_subsentence: continue for record in parser.parse_sentence(self): p = record.serialize() if record.is_empty: # TODO: Potential performance issues? continue # Skip duplicate records if record in records: continue # Skip just labels that have already been seen (bit of a hack) if (type(record) == Compound and 'Compound' in p.keys() and all(k in {'labels', 'roles'} for k in p['Compound'].keys()) and set(record.labels).issubset(seen_labels)): continue if type(record) == Compound: seen_labels.update(record.labels) # This could be super slow if we find lots of things found = False for seen_record in records: if (isinstance(seen_record, Compound) and (not set(record.names).isdisjoint(seen_record.names) or not set(record.labels).isdisjoint(seen_record.labels))): seen_record.names = sorted(list(set(seen_record.names).union(record.names))) seen_record.labels = sorted(list(set(seen_record.labels).union(record.labels))) seen_record.roles = sorted(list(set(seen_record.roles).union(record.roles))) found = True if found: continue elif hasattr(record, 'compound') and record.compound is not None: seen_labels.update(record.compound.labels) records.append(record) i = 0 length = len(records) while i < length: j = 0 while j < length: if i != j: records[j].merge_all(records[i]) j += 1 i += 1 return records
[docs]class Cell(Sentence): """Data cell for tables. One row of the category table""" # It appears that using different tokenizers/taggers is making the cem recognition worse. # This is also consistent with the use of the regular expressions etc we have defined so far. # word_tokenizer = FineWordTokenizer() # pos_tagger = NoneTagger() # ner_tagger = NoneTagger() subsentence_extractor = NoneSubsentenceExtractor()
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(Cell, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) = None self.row_categories = None self.col_categories = None self.is_tde_cell = False self.data_sent = None self.row_categories_sents = None self.col_categories_sents = None
[docs] @classmethod def from_tdecell(cls, tde_cell, document=None, **kwargs): # Have the spacing between the cells contain characters that will never be found # so that the system doesn't become confused because it found some number in the heading # that it confuses as a power for a unit. separator = '🙃🙃🙃🙃' cell_separator = ';' text = ' '.join([tde_cell[0], separator, cell_separator.join(tde_cell[1]), separator, cell_separator.join(tde_cell[2])]) cell = cls(text, document=document, **kwargs) = tde_cell[0] cell.row_categories = tde_cell[1] cell.col_categories = tde_cell[2] cell.data_sent = Sentence( cell.row_categories_sents = [Sentence(cell_text) for cell_text in cell.row_categories] cell.col_categories_sents = [Sentence(cell_text) for cell_text in cell.col_categories] cell.is_tde_cell = True cell.document = document # Doing it this way means that a lot of RichTokens are shared between the sub-elements, resulting # in tagging being only done once per RichToken, which is faster. tokens = cell.data_sent.tokens span_offset = tokens[-1].end + 1 # a cursor to help getting the span location correct when extending the token list separator_token = RichToken(separator, span_offset, span_offset + 4, cls.lexicon, cell) span_offset = separator_token.end + 1 tokens.append(separator_token) for row_category_sent in cell.row_categories_sents: for token in row_category_sent.tokens: token.start = token.start + span_offset token.end = token.end + span_offset tokens.append(token) span_offset = tokens[-1].end + 1 cell_separator = RichToken(separator, span_offset, span_offset + 4, cls.lexicon, cell) tokens.append(cell_separator) if cell.row_categories_sents: tokens = tokens[:-1] span_offset = tokens[-1].end + 1 separator_token = RichToken(separator, span_offset, span_offset + 4, cls.lexicon, cell) span_offset = separator_token.end + 1 tokens.append(separator_token) for col_category_sent in cell.col_categories_sents: for token in col_category_sent.tokens: token.start = token.start + span_offset token.end = token.end + span_offset tokens.append(token) span_offset = tokens[-1].end + 1 cell_separator = RichToken(separator, span_offset, span_offset + 4, cls.lexicon, cell) tokens.append(cell_separator) if cell.col_categories_sents: tokens = tokens[:-1] for token in tokens: token.sentence = cell cell._tokens = tokens return cell
@memoized_property def abbreviation_definitions(self): """Empty list. Abbreviation detection is disabled within table cells.""" return [] @property def records(self): """Empty list. Individual cells don't provide records, this is handled by the parent Table.""" return [] @property def elements(self): elements = [] # if self.data_sent is not None: # elements.append(self.data_sent) # elements.extend(self.row_categories_sents) # elements.extend(self.col_categories_sents) return elements
[docs]@python_2_unicode_compatible class Span(object): """A text span within a sentence."""
[docs] def __init__(self, text, start, end): """ :param str text: The text contained by this span. :param int start: The start offset of this token in the original text. :param int end: The end offsent of this token in the original text. """ self.text = text """The :class:`str` text content of this span.""" self.start = start """The :class:`int` start offset of this token in the original text.""" self.end = end """The :class:`int` end offset of this token in the original text."""
def __repr__(self): return '%s(%r, %r, %r)' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.text, self.start, self.end) def __str__(self): return self.text def __eq__(self, other): """Span objects are equal if the source text is equal, and the start and end indices are equal.""" if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return False return self.text == other.text and self.start == other.start and self.end == other.end def __ne__(self, other): return not self == other def __hash__(self): return hash((self.text, self.start, self.end)) @property def length(self): """The :class:`int` offset length of this span in the original text.""" return self.end - self.start
[docs]class Token(Span): """A single token within a sentence. Corresponds to a word, character, punctuation etc."""
[docs] def __init__(self, text, start, end, lexicon): """ :param str text: The text contained by this token. :param int start: The start offset of this token in the original text. :param int end: The end offset of this token in the original text. :param Lexicon lexicon: The lexicon which contains this token. """ super(Token, self).__init__(text, start, end) #: The lexicon for this token. self.lexicon = lexicon self.lexicon.add(text)
@property def lex(self): """The corresponding :class:`chemdataextractor.nlp.lexicon.Lexeme` entry in the Lexicon for this token.""" return self.lexicon[self.text]
[docs]class RichToken(Token): """ :class:`~chemdataextractor.doc.text.RichToken` provides a flexible way to store properties related to tokens. :class:`~chemdataextractor.doc.text.RichToken` instances hold a reference to the parent sentence they come from, and if the user desires a certain tag, the parent sentence is called and its taggers used to tag the sentence on demand. This structure means that tokens are tagged *if and only if* the user requires them. These tags are then cached by the :class:`~chemdataextractor.doc.text.RichToken` so that any single token is only ever tagged once. Such tags can be accessed either via dot syntax (:python:`token.ner_tag`) or via dictionary syntax (:python:`token['ner_tag']`). To maintain compatibility with the return value for :meth:`~chemdataextractor.doc.text.Sentence.tagged_tokens` from previous versions of ChemDataExtractor, the keys of :python:`0` and :python:`1` are reserved for the text of the token and the combined NER and PoS tags, respectively. Furthermore, any properties included in the :class:`~chemdataextractor.doc.text.Token` class are reserved as well. .. note:: By default, ChemDataExtractor provides, and assumes that calling :python:`.ner_tag` and :python:`.pos_tag` on a :class:`~chemdataextractor.doc.text.RichToken` will not fail, which should be taken into account when setting the :python:`taggers` property on any :class:`~chemdataextractor.doc.text.BaseText` subclasses. """
[docs] def __init__(self, text, start, end, lexicon, sentence): super(RichToken, self).__init__(text, start, end, lexicon) self.sentence = sentence self._tags = {}
@classmethod def _from_token(cls, token, sentence): rich_token = cls(text=token.text, start=token.start, end=token.end, lexicon=token.lexicon, sentence=sentence) return rich_token @property def legacy_pos_tag(self): pos_tag = self[POS_TAG_TYPE] ner_tag = self[NER_TAG_TYPE] if ner_tag is not None and ner_tag != "O": return ner_tag else: return pos_tag def __getitem__(self, key): if key == 0: return self.text elif key == 1: return self.legacy_pos_tag elif isinstance(key, str): return self.__getattr__(key) else: raise IndexError("Key" + str(key) + " is out of bounds for this token.") def __getattr__(self, name): if name in self._tags.keys(): return self._tags[name] else: self.sentence._assign_tags(name) if name not in self._tags.keys(): raise AttributeError(name + " is not a supported tag type for the sentence: " + str(self.sentence) + str(self.sentence.taggers) + str(type(self.sentence)) + str(self._tags) + str(self)) return self._tags[name]