Source code for chemdataextractor.model.base

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Data model for extracted information.


from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals

import copy
from abc import ABCMeta
from collections import MutableSequence
import json
import logging
import math
from pprint import pprint

import six

from ..utils import python_2_unicode_compatible
from ..parse.elements import Any, W, I
from import AutoSentenceParser, AutoTableParser
from .confidence_pooling import min_value
from .contextual_range import DocumentRange, SentenceRange

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class BaseType(six.with_metaclass(ABCMeta)): # This is assigned by ModelMeta to match the attribute on the Model name = None
[docs] def __init__( self, default=None, null=False, required=False, requiredness=1.0, contextual=False, contextual_range=DocumentRange(), parse_expression=None, updatable=False, binding=False, ignore_when_merging=False, never_merge=False): """ :param default: (Optional) The default value for this field if none is set. :param bool null: (Optional) Include in serialized output even if value is None. Default False. :param bool required: (Optional) Whether a value is required. Default False. :param bool contextual: (Optional) Whether this value is contextual. Default False. :param ContextualRange contextual_range: (Optional) The maximum range within which contextual merging can occur if the value is contextual. Default DocumentRange. (i.e. merges across the entire document) :param BaseParserElement parse_expression: (Optional) Expression for parsing, instance of a subclass of BaseParserElement. Default None. :param bool updatable: (Optional) Whether the parse_expression can be changed by the document as parsing occurs. Default False. :param bool binding: (Optional) If this option is set to True, any submodels that have an attribute with the same name must have the same value for this attribute. Default False. :param bool ignore_when_merging: (Optional) If this option is set to True, any records with a different value for this field is treated as corresponding to the same physical record. """ self.default = copy.deepcopy(default) self.null = null self.required = required self.requiredness = requiredness self.contextual = contextual self.contextual_range = contextual_range self.parse_expression = parse_expression self.updatable = updatable self.binding = binding self.ignore_when_merging = ignore_when_merging self.never_merge = never_merge if self.parse_expression is None and self.updatable: print('No parse_expression supplied but updatable set as True for ', type(self)) print('updatable refers to whether parse_expression can be changed by the document as parsing occurs. Setting updatable to False.') self.updatable = False self.parse_expression = copy.copy(parse_expression) self._default_parse_expression = parse_expression # when a record is created from the table, this will be filled with the row/col header cateogry strings # which helps merging based on same row/column category self.table_row_categories = None self.table_col_categories = None
[docs] def reset(self): """ Reset the parse expression to the initial value. """ if self.updatable: self.parse_expression = copy.copy(self._default_parse_expression)
def __get__(self, instance, owner): """Descriptor for retrieving a value from a field in a Model.""" # Check if Model class is being called, rather than Model instance if instance is None: return self # Get value from Model instance if available value = instance._values.get( # If value is None or empty string then return the default value, if set # if value in [None, ''] and self.default is not None: # return self.default return value def __set__(self, instance, value): """Descriptor for assigning a value to a field in a Model.""" instance._values[] = self.process(value)
[docs] def process(self, value): """Convert an assigned value into the desired data format for this field.""" return value
[docs] def serialize(self, value, primitive=False): """Serialize this field.""" if hasattr(value, 'serialize'): # i.e. value is a nested model return value.serialize(primitive=primitive) else: return value
[docs] def is_empty(self, value): """Return whether a value is considered empty for the case of this field.""" return False
[docs]class StringType(BaseType): """"""
[docs] def process(self, value): """Convert value to a unicode string. Useful in case lxml _ElementUnicodeResult are passed from parser.""" return six.text_type(value) if value is not None else None
[docs] def is_empty(self, value): if value is not None and isinstance(value, str) and value: return False return True
[docs]class FloatType(BaseType): """An floating point number field."""
[docs] def process(self, value): """Convert value to a float.""" if value is not None: return float(value) return None
[docs] def is_empty(self, value): if value is not None: return False return True
[docs]class ModelType(BaseType):
[docs] def __init__(self, model, **kwargs): self.model_class = model self.model_name = self.model_class.__name__ super(ModelType, self).__init__(**kwargs)
[docs] def process(self, value): if isinstance(value, self.model_class): return value else: return None
[docs] def serialize(self, value, primitive=False): """Serialize this field.""" return value.serialize(primitive=primitive)
[docs] def is_empty(self, value): if isinstance(value, self.model_class): return value.is_empty return True
[docs]class ListType(BaseType):
[docs] def __init__(self, field, default=None, sorted_=False, **kwargs): super(ListType, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.field = field self.default = default if default is not None else [] self.sorted = sorted_
def __set__(self, instance, value): """Descriptor for assigning a value to a ListField in a Model.""" # Run process for the nested field type for each value in list if value is None: instance._values[] = None else: processed = [self.field.process(v) for v in value] if self.sorted: processed = sorted(processed) instance._values[] = processed
[docs] def serialize(self, value, primitive=False): """Serialize this field.""" if value: return [self.field.serialize(v, primitive=primitive) for v in value] else: return None
[docs] def is_empty(self, value): if isinstance(value, list) and len(value) != 0: return False return True
[docs]class InferredProperty(BaseType): """ A property that is inferred from the value of another property via an inferrer function. An example is the processing the raw value extracted from a document into a list of floats, which can be seen in :class:`~chemdataextractor.model.units.quantity_model.QuantityModel`, where :attr:`~chemdataextractor.model.units.quantity_model.QuantityModel.value` is inferred from :attr:`~chemdataextractor.model.units.quantity_model.QuantityModel.raw_value`. """
[docs] def __init__(self, field, origin_field, inferrer, **kwargs): """ :param BaseType field: The type expected as a result of inference. :param str origin_field: The name of the field from which to infer the value. This can be a keypath, as detailed in :class:`~chemdataextractor.model.base.BaseModel` :param function inferrer: The function which is used to infer the value of the field. The function should have a signature of (*object* value of the origin field, *BaseModel* the instance for which the value is being inferred) -> *object* the value that the inferred field should have :param default: (Optional) The default value for this field if none is set. :param bool null: (Optional) Include in serialized output even if value is None. Default False. :param bool required: (Optional) Whether a value is required. Default False. :param bool contextual: (Optional) Whether this value is contextual. Default False. :param BaseParserElement parse_expression: (Optional) Expression for parsing, instance of a subclass of BaseParserElement. Default None. :param bool updatable: (Optional) Whether the parse_expression can be changed by the document as parsing occurs. Default False :param bool binding: (Optional) If this option is set to True, any submodels that have an attribute with the same name must have the same value for this attribute """ self.field = field self.origin_field = origin_field self.inferrer = inferrer super(InferredProperty, self).__init__(**kwargs)
def __get__(self, instance, owner): if instance is None: return self value = instance._values.get( if value is not None and value != self.default: return value value = self.inferrer(instance[self.origin_field], instance) self.__set__(instance, value) if value is None: value = self.default return value
[docs] def process(self, value): return self.field.process(value)
[docs] def serialize(self, value, primitive=False): return self.field.serialize(value)
[docs] def is_empty(self, value): if isinstance(value, list) and len(value) != 0: return False return True
[docs]class SetType(BaseType):
[docs] def __init__(self, field, default=None, **kwargs): super(SetType, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.field = field self.default = default if default is not None else set()
def __set__(self, instance, value): """Descriptor for assigning a value to a SetField in a Model.""" # Run process for the nested field type for each value in list if value is None: instance._values[] = None else: instance._values[] = set(self.field.process(v) for v in value if v is not None)
[docs] def serialize(self, value, primitive=False): """Serialize this field.""" if value is None or len(value) == 0: return None # a list, instead of a set is needed for easy compatibility with JSON output formats # a new sorted list instance ensures the same order for different runs # sorting in place results in an empty list in this case rec_list = list(self.field.serialize(v, primitive=primitive) for v in value) return sorted(rec_list)
[docs] def is_empty(self, value): if isinstance(value, set) and len(value) != 0: return False return True
[docs]class ModelMeta(ABCMeta): """""" def __new__(mcs, name, bases, attrs): cls = super(ModelMeta, mcs).__new__(mcs, name, bases, attrs) fields = {} for base in bases: for field_name, field in six.iteritems(base.fields): fields[field_name] = copy.copy(field) for attr_name, attr_value in six.iteritems(attrs): if isinstance(attr_value, BaseType): # Set the name attribute on the Type to the attribute name on the Model = six.text_type(attr_name) fields[attr_name] = attr_value cls.fields = fields parsers = [] for parser in cls.parsers: p = copy.copy(parser) p.model = cls parsers.append(p) cls.parsers = parsers return cls def __setattr__(cls, key, value): if isinstance(value, BaseType): = six.text_type(key) cls.fields[key] = value return super(ModelMeta, cls).__setattr__(key, value) @property def required_fields(cls): output = [] for key, field in cls.fields.items(): if hasattr(field, 'model_class'): nest_req_fields = field.model_class.required_fields for nrf in nest_req_fields: output.append(key + '__' + nrf) else: if field.required: output.append(key) return output
[docs]@python_2_unicode_compatible class BaseModel(six.with_metaclass(ModelMeta)): """ A base class for representing a model within ChemDataExtractor. Each model can have a number of fields that are declared with the class:: class ExampleModel(BaseModel): string_field = StringType() number_field = FloatType() See the documentation for :class:`~chemdataextractor.model.base.BaseType` for more information. These fields are required for ChemDataExtractor to correctly identify what to extract and for merging different records for the same model. The attributes in the models can then be accessed via either dot notation:: example_record.string_field or dictionary notation:: example_record["string_field"] You can have nexted models, as in the example below, where a new class, ``ExampleModel2`` can contain an ``ExampleModel``:: class ExampleModel2(BaseModel): model_field = ModelType(ExampleModel) keypath notation can be used to find the nested properties:: example_record2["model_field.string_field"] """ fields = {} parsers = [AutoSentenceParser(), AutoTableParser()] specifier = None _updated = False
[docs] def __init__(self, **raw_data): """""" self._values = {} self._confidences = {} for key, value in six.iteritems(raw_data): setattr(self, key, value) # Set defaults for key, field in six.iteritems(self.fields): if key not in raw_data: setattr(self, key, copy.copy(field.default)) self._record_method = None self.was_updated = self._updated # Keep track of the number of times we've merged contextually. # This is then used to diminish the confidence if we've merged many times. self._contextual_merge_count = 0
[docs] @classmethod def deserialize(cls, serialized): record = cls() flattened_serialized = cls._flatten_serialized(serialized) cleaned_serialized = [(cls._clean_key(key), value) for (key, value) in flattened_serialized] for key, value in cleaned_serialized: record[key] = value return record
@classmethod def _flatten_serialized(cls, serialized): flattened = [] for key, value in serialized.items(): if isinstance(value, dict): flattened_for_key = cls._flatten_serialized(value) flattened.extend([([key, *sub_key], sub_value) for (sub_key, sub_value) in flattened_for_key]) else: flattened.append(([key], value)) return flattened @classmethod def _clean_key(cls, key): # Hack to get rid of bits of keys where the type is included return [key_el for key_el in key if key_el.lower() == key_el]
[docs] def get_confidence(self, key, default_confidence=None, pooling_method=min_value): if not isinstance(key, list): key = self._get_keypath(key) if len(key) == 1 and key[0] == 'self': return self.total_confidence() if key[0] in self.fields: try: attribute = getattr(self, key[0]) # Should raise an error for empty fields as empty fields cannot have confidences if ((attribute is None or (attribute == [] and len(key) != 1))): raise AttributeError() if len(key) == 1: confidence = None if isinstance(attribute, BaseModel): confidence = attribute.total_confidence(pooling_method=pooling_method) else: if key[0] in self._confidences: confidence = self._confidences[key[0]] if confidence is not None: return confidence return default_confidence else: if isinstance(attribute, list): attribute = attribute[0] return attribute.get_confidence(key[1:]) except AttributeError as e: return default_confidence else: raise KeyError(key)
[docs] def set_confidence(self, key, value): try: if not isinstance(key, list): key = self._get_keypath(key) if len(key) == 1 and key[0] == 'self': self._confidences['self'] = value elif key[0] in self.fields: attribute = getattr(self, key[0]) # Should raise an error for empty fields as empty fields cannot have confidences if ((attribute is None or (attribute == [] and len(key) != 1))): raise AttributeError() if len(key) == 1: if isinstance(attribute, BaseModel): attribute._confidences['self'] = value else: self._confidences[key[0]] = value else: if isinstance(attribute, list): attribute = attribute[0] return attribute.set_confidence(key[1:], value) except AttributeError as e: pass
[docs] def total_confidence(self, pooling_method=min_value, _account_for_merging=False): if 'self' in self._confidences and self._confidences['self'] is not None: return self._confidences['self'] total_confidence = pooling_method(self) if total_confidence is None: # TODO(ti250): Make this configurable instead of arbitrarily being 1 total_confidence = 1.0 # return total_confidence merging_factor = 1.0 # Operate on the assumption that each merge decreases confidence by some constant factor? # This doesn't seem to make a difference on the photocatalysis dataset-disabling # if _account_for_merging: # merging_factor = 0.1 ** self._contextual_merge_count requiredness_factor = self._requiredness_factor() return total_confidence * merging_factor * requiredness_factor
def _requiredness_factor(self): total_factor = 1.0 for field_name, field in self.fields.items(): if field.required and field.requiredness != 1.0: if field.is_empty(self._values[field_name]): total_factor *= 1.0 - field.requiredness else: total_factor *= 1.0 if hasattr(field, "model_class") and self._values[field_name] is not None: total_factor *= self._values[field_name]._requiredness_factor() return total_factor @property def is_unidentified(self): """ If there is no 'compound' field associated with the model but the compound is contextual """ try: if 'compound' not in self.fields: return False if not self.compound.contextual_fulfilled: return self.compound.is_unidentified except AttributeError: return True def __repr__(self): return '<%s>' % (self.__class__.__name__,) def __str__(self): return '<%s>' % (self.__class__.__name__,) def __eq__(self, other): # TODO: Check this actually works as expected (what about default values?) if isinstance(other, self.__class__): log.debug(self._values, other._values) return self._values == other._values return False def __iter__(self): return iter(self.fields) def __delattr__(self, attr): """Handle deletion of field values by setting to default if specified.""" # Set to default value if attr in self.fields: setattr(self, attr, self.fields[attr].default) else: super(BaseModel, self).__delattr__(attr) def __getitem__(self, key): """Redirect dictionary-style field access to attribute-style.""" return self._get_item(key) def _get_item(self, key, create_defaults=False): """ A recursive way to items given a key, which can either be a simple property name for a top level property (e.g. `names` for a compound), or a keypath to be able to drill down a record (e.g. `compound.names`) for a property. """ try: if not isinstance(key, list): key = self._get_keypath(key) if key[0] in self.fields: attribute = getattr(self, key[0]) if ((attribute is None or (attribute == [] and len(key) != 1)) and create_defaults): field = self.fields[key[0]] is_list = False while hasattr(field, 'field'): if isinstance(field, ListType): is_list = True field = field.field if isinstance(field, ModelType): created_attr = field.model_class() else: created_attr = field('') if is_list: created_attr = [created_attr] attribute = created_attr self[key[0]] = created_attr if len(key) == 1: return attribute else: if isinstance(attribute, list): attribute = attribute[0] return attribute[key[1:]] except AttributeError as e: pass raise KeyError(key) def __setitem__(self, key, value): """Redirect dictionary-style field setting to attribute-style.""" if not isinstance(key, list): key = self._get_keypath(key) if key[0] not in self.fields: raise KeyError(key) target = self if len(key) > 1: target = self._get_item(key[:-1], create_defaults=True) if isinstance(target, list): if len(target) == 0: self._get_item(key, create_defaults=True) target = self._get_item(key[:-1], create_defaults=True)[0] else: target = target[0] return setattr(target, key[-1], value) def __contains__(self, name): try: val = getattr(self, name) return val is not None except AttributeError: return False def __hash__(self): return str(self.serialize()).__hash__() def _get_keypath(self, string): return string.split(".")
[docs] @classmethod def reset_updatables(cls): """ Reset all updatable parse_expressions of properties associated with the class. """ for key, field in six.iteritems(cls.fields): if cls.fields[key].updatable: cls.fields[key].reset() cls._updated = False
[docs] @classmethod def update(cls, definitions, strict=True): """Update this Element's updatable attributes with new information from definitions Arguments: definitions {list} -- list of definitions found in this element """ log.debug("Updating model") for definition in definitions: for field in cls.fields: if cls.fields[field].updatable: matches = [i for i in cls.fields[field].parse_expression.scan(definition['tokens'])] # print(matches) if any(matches): cls._updated = True if strict: cls.fields[field].parse_expression = cls.fields[field].parse_expression | W(str(definition['specifier'])) else: cls.fields[field].parse_expression = cls.fields[field].parse_expression | I(str(definition['specifier'])) return
@property def updated(self): """ True/False dependent on if a specifier within the model was updated. """ for field_name, field in six.iteritems(self.fields): if hasattr(field, 'model_class'): if hasattr(self[field_name], 'updated') and self[field_name].was_updated: return True return self.was_updated
[docs] def keys(self): return list(iter(self))
[docs] def items(self): return [(k, getattr(self, k)) for k in self]
[docs] def values(self): return [getattr(self, k) for k in self]
[docs] def get(self, key, default=None): return getattr(self, key, default)
@property def contextual_fulfilled(self): """ Whether all the contextual fields have been extracted. :return: True if all fields have been found, False if not. :rtype: bool """ for field_name, field in six.iteritems(self.fields): if hasattr(field, 'model_class'): if self[field_name] == field.default and field.contextual: return False if hasattr(self[field_name], 'contextual_fulfilled') and \ not self[field_name].contextual_fulfilled: log.debug('Is contextual') return False elif field.contextual and self[field_name] == field.default: log.debug('Is contextual') return False log.debug('Not contextual') return True @property def required_fulfilled(self): """ Whether all the required fields have been extracted. :return: True if all fields have been found, False if not. :rtype: bool """ return self._required_fulfilled(strict=True) @property def noncontextual_required_fulfilled(self): """ Whether all the non-contextual required fields have been extracted. :return: True if all fields have been found, False if not. :rtype: bool """ return self._required_fulfilled(strict=False) def _required_fulfilled(self, strict): for field_name, field in six.iteritems(self.fields): if hasattr(field, 'model_class'): if self[field_name] == field.default \ and field.required and math.isclose(field.requiredness, 1.0): if not strict and field.contextual: pass else: return False if field.required and field.requiredness == 1.0 \ and hasattr(self[field_name], 'required_fulfilled') \ and not self[field_name].required_fulfilled: if not strict and field.contextual: pass else: log.debug('Required unfulfilled') return False elif field.required and field.requiredness == 1.0 and self[field_name] == field.default: # print(self.serialize(), field_name, "did not exist") if not strict and field.contextual: pass else: return False return True
[docs] def serialize(self, primitive=False): """Convert Model to python dictionary.""" # Serialize fields to a dict data = {} for field_name in self: value = getattr(self, field_name) field = self.fields.get(field_name) if value is not None: value = field.serialize(value, primitive=primitive) # Skip empty fields unless field.null if not field.null and value in [None, '', []]: continue data[] = value record = {self.__class__.__name__: data} return record
[docs] def to_json(self, *args, **kwargs): """Convert Model to JSON.""" return json.dumps(self.serialize(primitive=True), *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def is_superset(self, other): """ Whether this model instance is a 'superset' of the other model instance. A model instance is a 'superset' of another if it satisfies the following conditions: - The model instances are of the same type - For each of the attributes of the model instances, either: - This instance has more information, or - Both instances have the same information :param other: The other model instance to compare with this model instance :type other: BaseModel :return: Whether this model instance is a superset of the other model instance :rtype: bool """ if type(self) != type(other): return False for field_name, field in six.iteritems(self.fields): # Method works recursively so it works with nested models if hasattr(field, 'model_class'): if not self[field_name]: if other[field_name]: return False elif not other[field_name]: pass elif not self[field_name].is_superset(other[field_name]): return False else: if other[field_name] and self[field_name] != other[field_name]: return False return True
[docs] def is_subset(self, other): """ Whether this model instance is a 'subset' of the other model instance. A model instance is a 'subset' of another if it satisfies the following conditions: - The model instances are of the same type - For each of the attributes of the model instances, either: - The other instance has more information, or - Both instances have the same information :param other: The other model instance to compare with this model instance :type other: BaseModel :return: Whether this model instance is a subset of the other model instance :rtype: bool """ return other.is_superset(self)
[docs] def merge_contextual(self, other, distance=SentenceRange()): """ Merges any fields marked contextual with additional information from other provided that: - other is of the same type and they don't have any conflicting fields or - other is a model type that is part of this model and that field is currently set to be the default value or the field can be merged with the other. .. note:: This method mutates the model it's called on **and** returns it. :param other: The other model to merge into this model :type other: BaseModel :return: A merged model :rtype: BaseModel """ # TODO(ti250): Add behaviour to actually take the distance into account log.debug(self.serialize()) log.debug(other.serialize()) did_merge = False should_keep_both_records = self._should_keep_both_records(other) if self.contextual_fulfilled: return self if self._binding_compatible(other): # Merging in a model of a different type _compatible = False if type(self) == type(other) and self._compatible(other): _compatible = True if type(self) != type(other): if type(other) not in type(self).flatten(): # If the type of the other is not part of the flattened model, # no point trying to merge return False for field_name, field in six.iteritems(self.fields): if hasattr(field, 'field') and hasattr(field.field, 'model_class') and isinstance(other, field.field.model_class): log.debug('model class list case') # Basic merging in of lists/sets of models by just creating a list with one element if (not field.never_merge and field.contextual and not self[field_name] and other and distance <= self.contextual_range(field_name)): log.debug(field_name) self[field_name] = [other] # self.merge_confidence(other, field_name) did_merge = True elif hasattr(field, 'model_class') and isinstance(other, field.model_class) and not field.never_merge: # Merging when there already exists a partial record if (self[field_name] is not None and field.contextual and not self[field_name].contextual_fulfilled and distance <= self.contextual_range(field_name)): log.debug('reconciling model classes') if self[field_name].merge_contextual(other): did_merge = True # Merging when there is no partial record elif (field.contextual and not self[field_name] and other and distance <= self.contextual_range(field_name)): log.debug(field_name) self[field_name] = copy.copy(other) # self.merge_confidence(other, field_name) did_merge = True # Case when merging two records of the same type elif self._compatible(other): for field_name, field in six.iteritems(self.fields): if (field.contextual and not field.never_merge and not self[field_name] and other.get(field_name, None) and distance <= self.contextual_range(field_name)): self[field_name] = other[field_name] self.merge_confidence(other, field_name) did_merge = True self._consolidate_binding() if did_merge: self._contextual_merge_count += 1 if 'self' in other._confidences: self.merge_confidence(other, 'self') if should_keep_both_records: did_merge = False return did_merge
[docs] def contextual_range(self, field_name): """ The contextual range for a field. Override this method to allow for contextual ranges to change with time. :param str field_name: The name of the field for which to calculate the contextual range :return: The contextual range for the field given the current record :rtype: ContextualRange """ return self.fields[field_name].contextual_range
[docs] def merge_all(self, other, strict=True): """ Merges any properties between other and self, regardless of whether that field is contextual. Checks to make sure that there are no conflicts between the values contained in self and those in other. .. note:: This method mutates the model it's called on **and** returns it. :param other: The other model to merge into this model :type other: BaseModel :return: A merged model :rtype: BaseModel """ log.debug(self.serialize()) log.debug(other.serialize()) did_merge = False should_keep_both_records = self._should_keep_both_records(other) if self._binding_compatible(other): if type(self) != type(other): if type(other) not in type(self).flatten(): # If the type of the other is not part of the flattened model, # no point trying to merge return False for field_name, field in six.iteritems(self.fields): if hasattr(field, 'field') and hasattr(field.field, 'model_class') and isinstance(other, field.field.model_class) and not field.never_merge: log.debug('model list case') if self[field_name]: for el in self[field_name]: if el.merge_all(other): did_merge = True elif (not self[field_name] and other): log.debug(field_name) self[field_name] = [copy.copy(other)] did_merge = True elif hasattr(field, 'model_class') and isinstance(other, field.model_class) and not field.never_merge: log.debug('model class case') if self[field_name]: if self[field_name].merge_all(other): did_merge = True elif (not self[field_name] and other): log.debug(field_name) self[field_name] = copy.copy(other) did_merge = True elif self._compatible(other): for field_name, field in six.iteritems(self.fields): if (not self[field_name] and other.get(field_name, None) and not field.never_merge): did_merge = True self[field_name] = other[field_name] self.merge_confidence(other, field_name) self._consolidate_binding() if did_merge: if 'self' in other._confidences: self.merge_confidence(other, 'self') if should_keep_both_records: did_merge = False return did_merge
[docs] def merge_confidence(self, other, field_name): # Keep the lower confidence value self_confidence = self.get_confidence(field_name, pooling_method=lambda x: None) other_confidence = other.get_confidence(field_name, pooling_method=lambda x: None) if self_confidence is None and other_confidence is not None: self.set_confidence(field_name, other_confidence) elif self_confidence is not None and other_confidence is not None: new_confidence = self_confidence if self_confidence < other_confidence else other_confidence self.set_confidence(field_name, new_confidence)
def _compatible(self, other): """ Checks whether two records seem to be compatible for the purposes of merging. This means no conflicting fields, unless `ignore_when_merging` is set. """ match = False if type(other) == type(self): # Check if the other seems to be describing the same thing as self. match = True for field_name, field in six.iteritems(self.fields): if isinstance(field, ModelType): if (not field.ignore_when_merging and self[field_name] is not None and other[field_name] is not None and not self[field_name]._compatible(other[field_name])): match = False break elif isinstance(field, ListType) or isinstance(field, SetType): if (not field.ignore_when_merging and self[field_name] is not None and len(self[field_name]) and other[field_name] is not None and len(other[field_name]) and self[field_name] != other[field_name]): match = False break else: if (not field.ignore_when_merging and self[field_name] is not None and other[field_name] is not None and self[field_name] != other[field_name]): match = False break return match def _compatible_legacy(self, other): match = False if type(other) == type(self): # Check if the other seems to be describing the same thing as self. match = True for field_name, field in six.iteritems(self.fields): if (not field.ignore_when_merging and self[field_name] is not None and other[field_name] is not None and self[field_name] != other[field_name]): match = False break return match def _should_keep_both_records(self, other): should_keep_both = False if type(other) == type(self): # Check if the other seems to be describing the same thing as self. for field_name, field in six.iteritems(self.fields): if isinstance(field, ModelType): if (field.ignore_when_merging and self[field_name] is not None and other[field_name] is not None and not self[field_name]._compatible(other[field_name])): should_keep_both = True break else: if (field.ignore_when_merging and self[field_name] is not None and other[field_name] is not None and self[field_name] != other[field_name]): should_keep_both = True break return should_keep_both
[docs] @classmethod def flatten(cls, include_inferred=True): """ A set of all models that are associated with this model. For example, if we have a model like the following with multiple submodels: .. code-block:: python class A(BaseModel): pass class B(BaseModel): a = ModelType(A) class C(BaseModel): b = ModelType(B) then `C.flatten()` would give the result:: set(C, B, A) :return: The set of all models associated with this model. :rtype: set(BaseModel) """ model_set = {cls} for field_name, field in six.iteritems(cls.fields): while hasattr(field, 'field') and (include_inferred or not isinstance(field, InferredProperty)): if hasattr(field, 'model_class'): model_set.update(field.model_class.flatten(include_inferred=include_inferred)) field = field.field if hasattr(field, 'model_class'): model_set.update(field.model_class.flatten(include_inferred=include_inferred)) log.debug(model_set) return model_set
def _flatten_instance(self, include_inferred=True): """ A set of all records that are associated with this record. Essentially, an instance version of the flatten classmethod. For example, if we have a model like the following with multiple submodels: .. code-block:: python class A(BaseModel): pass class B(BaseModel): a = ModelType(A) class C(BaseModel): b = ModelType(B) a = A() b = B(a=a) c = C(b=b) then `C._flatten_instance()` would give the result:: set(c, b, a) :return: The set of all records associated with this record. :rtype: set(BaseModel instances) """ subrecords_set = {self} for field_name, field in six.iteritems(self.fields): while hasattr(field, 'field') and (include_inferred or not isinstance(field, InferredProperty)): if hasattr(field, 'model_class'): break field = field.field if hasattr(field, 'model_class') and self[field_name]: subrecord = self[field_name] if isinstance(subrecord, list): for list_el in subrecord: subrecords_set.update(list_el._flatten_instance(include_inferred=include_inferred)) else: subrecords_set.update(subrecord._flatten_instance(include_inferred=include_inferred)) return subrecords_set @property def binding_properties(self): """ A dictionary of all binding properties in this model, and their values. .. note:: This function only returns those properties that are immediately binding for this model, and not for any submodels. :returns: A dictionary with the names of all binding fields as the keys and their values as the values. :rtype: {str: Any} """ binding_properties = {} for field_name, field in six.iteritems(self.fields): if field.binding and self[field_name]: binding_properties[field_name] = self[field_name] return binding_properties def _binding_compatible(self, other, binding_properties=None): """ Whether two models are compatible in terms of their binding properties. For example, if this model had a compound associated with it and the field was binding, a model that is associated with another compound will not be merged in. :param BaseModel other: The other model that will be checked for compatibility with the binding properties in this model :param {str: Any} binding_properties: Any binding properties from a model that contains this model :returns: Whether the two models are compatible in terms of their binding properties. :rtype: bool """ if binding_properties is None: binding_properties = self.binding_properties if not binding_properties: return True if type(other) == type(self): for field_name, field in six.iteritems(binding_properties): if other[field_name] != binding_properties[field_name]: return False elif not other: pass else: for field_name, field in six.iteritems(other.fields): if field_name in binding_properties: if other[field_name]: if not (binding_properties[field_name].is_superset(other[field_name]) or binding_properties[field_name].is_subset(other[field_name])): return False elif hasattr(field, 'model_class'): if not self._binding_compatible(other[field_name]): return False return True def _consolidate_binding(self, binding_properties=None): # TODO: This doesn't update all the confidences for the submodels yet if binding_properties is None: binding_properties = self.binding_properties if binding_properties == {}: return for field_name, field in six.iteritems(self.fields): if field_name in binding_properties: self[field_name] = binding_properties[field_name] elif hasattr(field, 'model_class') and self[field_name]: self[field_name]._consolidate_binding(binding_properties) @property def record_method(self): """ Description (string) of which method was used to create this record. """ return self._record_method @record_method.setter def record_method(self, text): if not isinstance(text, str): raise TypeError("Record method description is not string.") self._record_method = text def _clean(self, clean_contextual=True): """ Removes any subrecords where the required properties have not been fulfilled. clean_contextual determines whether contextual fields that are unfulfilled are removed or not. """ for field_name, field in six.iteritems(self.fields): if hasattr(field, 'model_class') and self[field_name]: self[field_name]._clean(clean_contextual=clean_contextual) if clean_contextual: if not self[field_name].required_fulfilled: self[field_name] = field.default else: if not self[field_name].noncontextual_required_fulfilled: self[field_name] = field.default @classmethod def _all_keypaths(cls, include_model_lists=True): all_keypaths = [] for field_name, field in six.iteritems(cls.fields): if include_model_lists: while hasattr(field, 'field'): field = field.field if hasattr(field, 'model_class'): sub_keypaths = field.model_class._all_keypaths() for keypath in sub_keypaths: all_keypaths.append(field_name + '.' + keypath) else: all_keypaths.append(field_name) return all_keypaths @property def is_empty(self): for field_name, field_type in six.iteritems(self.fields): if not field_type.is_empty(self[field_name]): return False return True
[docs]@python_2_unicode_compatible class ModelList(MutableSequence): """Wrapper around a list of Models objects to facilitate operations on all at once."""
[docs] def __init__(self, *models): self.models = list(models)
def __getitem__(self, index): return self.models[index] def __setitem__(self, index, value): self.models[index] = value def __delitem__(self, index): del self.models[index] def __len__(self): return len(self.models) def __repr__(self): return self.models.__repr__() def __str__(self): return self.models.__str__() def __contains__(self, element): log.debug(element.serialize()) log.debug(self.serialize()) log.debug(self.models.__contains__(element)) return self.models.__contains__(element)
[docs] def insert(self, index, value): self.models.insert(index, value)
[docs] def serialize(self): """Serialize to a list of python dictionaries.""" return [e.serialize() for e in self.models]
[docs] def to_json(self, *args, **kwargs): """Convert ModelList to JSON.""" return json.dumps(self.serialize(), *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def remove_subsets(self, strict=False): """ Remove any subsets contained within the ModelList. :param bool strict: Default True. Whether only strict subsets are removed. When this is False, duplicates are removed too. """ # A dictionary with the type of each element as the key, and the element itself as the value typed_list = {} for element in self.models: if type(element) in typed_list: typed_list[type(element)].append(element) else: typed_list[type(element)] = [element] new_models = [] for _, elements in six.iteritems(typed_list): i = 0 elements.sort(key=lambda el: el.total_confidence(_account_for_merging=True) if el.total_confidence(_account_for_merging=True) is not None else -10000, reverse=True) length = len(elements) to_remove = [] # Iterate through the list of elements and if any subsets are found, add the # indices to a list of values to remove while i < length: j = 0 while j < length: if i != j and elements[i].is_subset(elements[j]) and j not in to_remove: if strict and elements[i] == elements[j]: # Do not remove the element if it is not a strict subset depending on the value of strict pass else: to_remove.append(i) j += 1 i += 1 # Append any values that are not in the list of objects to remove i = 0 while i < length: if i not in to_remove: new_models.append(elements[i]) i += 1 self.models = new_models
def _remove_used_subrecords(self): to_remove = set() for element in self.models: flattened_instance = element._flatten_instance() flattened_instance.remove(element) to_remove.update(flattened_instance) new_models = [] for model in self.models: if model not in to_remove: new_models.append(model) self.models = new_models
[docs]def sort_merge_candidates(merge_candidates, adjust_by_confidence=True): # merge_candidates is a list of tuples (distance, merge candidate) if adjust_by_confidence: return sorted(merge_candidates, key=lambda x: x[0] / (x[1].total_confidence() + 0.01) if x[1].total_confidence() is not None else x[0]) else: return sorted(merge_candidates, lambda x: x[0])