Creating and Using New Taggers


ChemDataExtractor includes facilities to easily and flexibly add new taggers to your NLP pipeline. To take advantage of the new tagger APIs, you need to follow the following steps:

As a toy example, we’re going to try creating a new tagger, RENTagger, that takes the NER tag of each token and reverses its character order (e.g. “B-CM” goes to “MC-B”).

Defining a New Tagger

To define a new tagger, we can either subclass the BaseTagger class or implement the API ourselves. For this example, we’re going to be taking the easier route of subclassing BaseTagger, but the documentation for the class will give you more information about the API.

When we’re subclassing BaseTagger, we only need to implement two different things: a tag_type attribute and a tag method. Let’s see what this looks like:

class RENTagger(BaseTagger):
    tag_type = "ren_tag"

    def tag(self, tokens):
        return list(zip(tokens, [token["ner_tag"][::-1] for token in tokens]))

By setting the tag_type attribute, we express intent to the system that this is the tagger that should be called when the user wants to access this tag type for any token from elements for which this tagger is registered.

The tagger also needs to provide a tag method, which takes as its argument a list of tokens and returns a list of token, tag tuples. In this case, we get the NER tag for each token and reverse it.

Should I be Using batch_tag()?

The batch_tag() method allows for faster tagging if your tagger is more efficient when you are tagging multiple instances at once. This isn’t the case for the RENTagger we just created, but if we wanted to, we can add a batch_tag() method easily as follows.

class RENTagger(BaseTagger):
    tag_type = "ren_tag"

    def tag(self, tokens):
        return list(zip(tokens, [token["ner_tag"][::-1] for token in tokens]))

    def batch_tag(self, sents):
        tags = []
        for sent in sents:
            tags.append(list(zip(sent, [token["ner_tag"][::-1] for token in sent])))
        return tags

This method is primarily intended for when your tagger is a wrapper around some external libraries, which often operate much faster if you pass in a large number of elements at once.

Should I be Using an EnsembleTagger?

EnsembleTagger provides a way to collect multiple taggers into one place. This may be useful if you have a tagger that should only be used in conjunction with some others. For example, imagine if you wanted a PoSRENTagger that would have as a token the reversed NER tag appended to the part of speech tag.

class PoSRENTagger(EnsembleTagger):
    taggers = [RENTagger()]
    tag_type = "pos_ren_tag"

    def tag(self, tokens):
        return list(zip(tokens, [token["pos_tag"] + token["ren_tag"] for token in tokens]))

One thing to note is that even if the EnsembleTagger subclass has not implemented the batch_tag() method itself, if any of the taggers included in it have implemented it, ChemDataExtractor will call the batch_tag() method for those taggers.

We use EnsembleTagger in the ChemDataExtractor library for the NER taggers. The old NER tagger relied on collating the results from multiple methods, while the new NER tagger acts on processed text which has had any numbers converted into a special token. To ensure that neither of these taggers run without the other required taggers, they are implemented as EnsembleTagger subclasses.

Using the New Tagger

To use the new tagger, we need to add the tagger to the list of taggers that an element will call, and then access it either directly as an element of the tokens or through parse rules.

Adding the New Tagger to Document Elements

To add your new tagger to any elements, all you have to do is to append it to the taggers property, as shown here, and then ChemDataExtractor will call it when required to tag the tokens in the sentence.



Any taggers appended are called before the default taggers, so if you want to override system taggers, instead of finding the original tagger and removing it, you can just append to the end of the taggers list.

You can then verify that this works by checking the tags for a sample sentence:

sent = Sentence("MgO melts at 100 K.")
print([token.ren_tag for token in sent.tokens])

This should give you the following result:

['MC-B', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O']


You can also access any properties on tokens with dictionary style syntax, so the previous bit of code could have also been written as [token[“ren_tag”] for token in sent.tokens]

Using the New Tagger when Parsing

Using the tags from our tagger when parsing is simple; you can use the class:~chemdataextractor.parse.elements.Tag element (or its shorthand, T), while specifying the tag type, like this:

ren_element = T("MC-B", tag_type="ren_tag")