# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Chemical entity mention parser elements.
..codeauthor:: Matt Swain ([email protected])
..codeauthor:: Callum Court ([email protected])
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from abc import abstractproperty, abstractmethod
import logging
import re
from lxml import etree
from .actions import join, fix_whitespace
from .common import roman_numeral, cc, nnp, hyph, nns, nn, cd, ls, optdelim, bcm, icm, rbrct, lbrct, sym, jj, hyphen, quote, \
dt, delim
from .base import BaseSentenceParser, BaseTableParser
from .elements import I, R, W, T, ZeroOrMore, Optional, Not, Group, End, Start, OneOrMore, Any, SkipTo
from lxml import etree
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
joining_characters = R('^\@|\/|[-–‐‑‒–—―]$')
alphanumeric = R('^(d-)?(\d{1,2}[A-Za-z]{1,2}[′″‴‶‷⁗]?)(-d)?$')
numeric = R('^\d{1,3}$')
letter_number = R('^(H\d)?[LSNM]{1,2}\d\d?$')
# Blacklist to truncate chemical mentions where tags continue on incorrectly
cm_blacklist = (W('in') | I('electrodes') | I('anodes') | I('specimen') | I('and') | W(':') + R('^m\.?p\.?$', re.I) | W(':') + Any() + R('^N\.?M\.?R\.?\(?$', re.I))
exclude_prefix = Start() + (lbrct + roman_numeral + rbrct + Not(hyphen) | (R('^\d{1,3}(\.\d{1,3}(\.\d{1,3}(\.\d{1,3})?)?)?$') + Not(hyphen)) | (I('stage') | I('step') | I('section') | I('part')) + (alphanumeric | numeric | roman_numeral | R('^[A-Z]$')))
# Tagged chemical mentions - One B-CM tag followed by zero or more I-CM tags.
cm = (exclude_prefix.hide() + OneOrMore(Not(cm_blacklist) + icm)) | (bcm + ZeroOrMore(Not(cm_blacklist) + icm)).add_action(join)
# TODO jm2111, edited below due to weird matching ('-100 °C' was matched), however, had to be reversed due to many unittests breaking
# cm = (exclude_prefix.hide() + OneOrMore(Not(cm_blacklist) + icm)).add_action(join)
comma = (W(',') | T(',')).hide()
colon = (W(':') | T(':')).hide()
# Prefixes to include in the name
include_prefix = Not(bcm) + R('^(deuterated|triflated|butylated|brominated|acetylated|twisted)$', re.I)
label_type = (Optional(I('reference') | I('comparative')) + R('^(compound|ligand|chemical|dye|derivative|complex|example|intermediate|product|formulae?|preparation|specimen)s?$', re.I))('roles').add_action(join) + Optional(colon).hide()
synthesis_of = ((I('synthesis') | I('preparation') | I('production') | I('data')) + (I('of') | I('for')))('roles').add_action(join)
to_give = (I('to') + (I('give') | I('yield') | I('afford')) | I('afforded') | I('affording') | I('yielded'))('roles').add_action(join)
label_blacklist = R('^(wR.*|R\d|31P|[12]H|[23]D|15N|14C|[4567890]\d+|2A)$')
prefixed_label = R('^(cis|trans)-((d-)?(\d{1,2}[A-Za-z]{0,2}[′″‴‶‷⁗]?)(-d)?|[LS]\d\d?)$')
#: Chemical label. Very permissive - must be used in context to avoid false positives.
strict_chemical_label = Not(label_blacklist) + (alphanumeric | roman_numeral | letter_number | prefixed_label)('labels')
lenient_chemical_label = numeric('labels') | R('^([A-Z]\d{1,3})$')('labels') | strict_chemical_label
chemical_label = ((label_type + lenient_chemical_label + ZeroOrMore((T('CC') | comma) + lenient_chemical_label)) | (Optional(label_type.hide()) + strict_chemical_label + ZeroOrMore((T('CC') | comma) + strict_chemical_label)))
#: Chemical label with a label type before
chemical_label_phrase1 = (Optional(synthesis_of) + label_type + lenient_chemical_label + ZeroOrMore((T('CC') | comma) + lenient_chemical_label))
#: Chemical label with synthesis of before
chemical_label_phrase2 = (synthesis_of + Optional(label_type) + lenient_chemical_label + ZeroOrMore((T('CC') | comma) + lenient_chemical_label))
# Chemical label with to give/afforded etc. before, and some restriction after.
chemical_label_phrase3 = (to_give + Optional(dt) + Optional(label_type) + lenient_chemical_label + Optional(lbrct + OneOrMore(Not(rbrct) + Any()) + rbrct).hide() + (End() | I('as') | colon | comma).hide())
###### DOPED CHEMICAL LABELS ##########
doped_chemical_identifier = (W('x') | W('y'))
doping_value = R('^(\d\.?)+$')
doping_range = (doping_value + (T('HYPH')|I('to')) + doping_value)
doping_label_1 = (doping_value + R('^\<$') + doped_chemical_identifier +
R('^\<$') + doping_value)
doping_label_2 = (
+ W('=')
+ OneOrMore(doping_range | doping_value | R('^[,:;\.]$') | I('or') | I('and')))
doped_chemical_label = Group((doping_label_1 | doping_label_2)('labels')).add_action(join)
chemical_label_phrase = Group(doped_chemical_label | chemical_label_phrase1 | chemical_label_phrase2 | chemical_label_phrase3)('chemical_label_phrase')
# Identifiers typically used as informal chemical symbols
informal_chemical_symbol = (W('AE') | W('T') | W('RE') | (W('R') + Not(lbrct + W('Å') + rbrct)) | W('REM') | W('REO') | W('REY') | W('LREE') | W('HREE') | I('Ln') | R('^B\′?$') | W('M') | W('ET')
| W('IM2py') | W('NN′3') | W('TDAE') | W('X') | I('H2mal') | (W('A') + Not(lbrct + W('Å') + rbrct)))
# list of chemical elements or ion symbols by type
metals = (R('^(Li|Be|Na|Mg|Al|Ca|Sc|Ti|V|Cr|K|Mn|Fe|Co|Ni|Cu|Zn|Ga|Rb|Sr|Y|Zr|Nb|Mo|Tc|Ru|Rh|Pd|Ag|Cd|In|Sn|Cs|Ba|La|Ce|Pr|Nd|Pm|Sm|Eu|Gd|Tb|Dy|Ho|Er|Tm|Yb|Lu|Hf|Ta|W|Re|Os|Ir|Pt|Au|Hg|Tl|Pb|Bi|Po|Fr|Ra|Ac|Th|Pa|U|Np|Pu|Am|Cm|Bk|Cf|Es|Fm|Md|No|Lr|Rf|Db|Sg|Bh|Hs|Mt|Ds|Rg|Cn|Uut|Fl|Uup|Lv)$') | R('^metal(s)?$'))
transition_metals = (R('^(Sc|Ti|V|Cr|Mn|Fe|Co|Ni|Cu|Zn|Y|Zr|Nb|Mo|Tc|Ru|Rh|Pd|Ag|Cd|La|Ce|Pr|Nd|Pm|Sm|Eu|Gd|Tb|Dy|Ho|Er|Tm|Yb|Lu|Hf|Ta|W|Re|Os|Ir|Pt|Au|Hg|Ac|Th|Pa|U|Np|Pu|Am|Cm|Bk|Cf|Em|Fm|Md|No|Lr|Rf|Db|Sg|Bh|Hs|Mt|Ds|Rg|Cn)$') | (
I('transition') + (I('metal') | I('metals'))))
lanthanides = (R('^(Sc|Y|La|Ce|Pr|Nd|Pm|Sm|Eu|Gd|Tb|Dy|Ho|Er|Tm|Yb|Lu)$') | R('^[Ll]anthanide(s)?$') | (
R('^[Rr]are\-?earth(s)?$') | (I('rare') + Optional(T('HYPH')) + R(('^earth(s)?$')) + Optional(R('^metal(s)?$')))))
ion_symbol = (
other_symbol = (W('NO3') | W('HF2') | W('ClO4') | W('BF4'))
informal_values = (metals | transition_metals | lanthanides | ion_symbol | other_symbol)
# Informal labelling, used for associating properties to informal compounds
informal_chemical_label_1 = (informal_chemical_symbol
+ W('=')
+ OneOrMore(informal_values | R('^[,:;\.]$') | I('and') | informal_chemical_symbol | W('=')))('label').add_action(join)
# Informal label phrase 2, "property = value for the <element> compound"
informal_chemical_label_2 = (informal_values
+ (I('compound') | I('sample') | I('material')).hide())('label').add_action(join)
informal_chemical_label = Group((informal_chemical_label_1 | informal_chemical_label_2)('labels')).add_action(join)
chemical_label_phrase = Group(informal_chemical_label | doped_chemical_label | chemical_label_phrase1 | chemical_label_phrase2 | chemical_label_phrase3)('chemical_label_phrase')
# TODO: "Compound 3a-c" - in parser expand out into multiple compounds
element_name = R('^(actinium|aluminium|aluminum|americium|antimony|argon|arsenic|astatine|barium|berkelium|beryllium|bismuth|bohrium|boron|bromine|cadmium|caesium|calcium|californium|carbon|cerium|cesium|chlorine|chromium|cobalt|copernicium|copper|curium|darmstadtium|dubnium|dysprosium|einsteinium|erbium|europium|fermium|flerovium|fluorine|francium|gadolinium|gallium|germanium|hafnium|hassium|helium|holmium|hydrargyrum|hydrogen|indium|iodine|iridium|iron|kalium|krypton|lanthanum|laIrencium|lithium|livermorium|lutetium|magnesium|manganese|meitnerium|mendelevium|mercury|molybdenum|natrium|neodymium|neon|neptunium|nickel|niobium|nitrogen|nobelium|osmium|oxygen|palladium|phosphorus|platinum|plumbum|plutonium|polonium|potassium|praseodymium|promethium|protactinium|radium|radon|rhenium|rhodium|roentgenium|rubidium|ruthenium|rutherfordium|samarium|scandium|seaborgium|selenium|silicon|silver|sodium|stannum|stibium|strontium|sulfur|tantalum|technetium|tellurium|terbium|thallium|thorium|thulium|tin|titanium|tungsten|ununoctium|ununpentium|ununseptium|ununtrium|uranium|vanadium|Iolfram|xenon|ytterbium|yttrium|zinc|zirconium)$', re.I)
#: Mostly unambiguous element symbols
element_symbol = R('^(Ag|Au|Br|Cd|Cl|Cu|Fe|Gd|Ge|Hg|Mg|Pb|Pd|Pt|Ru|Sb|Si|Sn|Ti|Xe|Zn|Zr)$')
#: Registry number patterns
registry_number = R('^BRN-?\d+$') | R('^CHEMBL-?\d+$') | R('^GSK-?\d{3-7}$') | R('^\[?(([1-9]\d{2,7})|([5-9]\d))-\d\d-\d\]?$')
#: Amino acid abbreviations. His removed, too ambiguous
amino_acid = R('^((Ala|Arg|Asn|Asp|Cys|Glu|Gln|Gly|Ile|Leu|Lys|Met|Phe|Pro|Ser|Thr|Trp|Tyr|Val)-?)+$')
amino_acid_name = (
R('^(histidine|isoleucine|leucine|lysine|methionine|phenylalanine|threonine|tryptophan|valine|selenocysteine|serine|tyrosine|alanine|arginine|asparagine|cysteine|glutamine|glycine|proline)$', re.I) |
I('aspartic') + I('acid') | I('glutamic') + I('acid')
#: Chemical formula patterns, updated to include Inorganic compound formulae
formula = (
R('^C\(?\d{1,3}\)?(([HNOP]|Cl)\(?\d\d?\)?)+(\(?\d?[\+\-]\d?\)?)?$') |
R('^(\(?(A([glmru]|(s\d\.?))|B[ahikr]?|C[adeflmnorsu(\d)]|D[bsy]|E[rsu]|F[elmr$]|G[ade]|H[efgos]|I[rn][1-9]?|K[r(\d\.?)]|(L[airuv])|M[dgnot]|N[abdeip(\d\.?)]|O[s\d.]?|P[abdmotuOr\d]|R[abefghnuE]|S[bcegimnr(\d\.?)]|T[abehil\d]|U(u[opst])|V|Xe|Yb?|Z[nr])(\)?([\d.]+)?)+){2,}(\+[δβγ])?') |
R('^((\(?\d{2,3}\)?)?(Fe|Ti|Mg|Ru|Cd|Se)\(?(\d\d?|[IV]+)?\)?((O|Hg)\(?\d?\d?\)?)?)+(\(?\d?[\+\-]\d?\)?)?$') |
R('(NaOH|CaCl\d?\d?|EtOH|EtAc|MeOH|CF\d|C\d?\d?H\d\d?)+$') |
R('(NO\d|BH4|Ca\(2\+\)|Ti\(0\)2|\(CH3\)2CHOH|\(CH3\)2CO|\(CH3\)2NCOH|C2H5CN|CH2ClCH2Cl|CH3C6H5|CH3CN|CH3CO2H|CH3COCH3|CH3COOH|CH3NHCOH|CH3Ph|CH3SOCH3|Cl2CH2|ClCH2CH2Cl)') |
R('^(\(CD3\)2CO|\(CDCl2\)2|C6D6|C2D5CN|CD2Cl2|CD3CN|CD3COCD3|CD3OD|CD3SOCD3|CDCl3|CH3OD|D2O|EtOD|MeOD)$') |
R('^[\[\{\(].*(NH\d|H2O|NO\d|C\d?H\d|C–H|NBu4|CF3|CD3|CO2|[bp]i?py|\(CO\)|\d,\d[\'′]?-|BF4|PF6|Cl\d|Fe\d|Ph\d).*[\]\}\)]$') |
R('^[\[\{\(]{1,2}(Ru|Ph|Py|Cu|Ir|Pt|Et\d).*[\]\}\)]$') |
solvent_formula = (
W('CCl4') | W('(CH3)2CHOH') | W('(CH3)2CO') | W('(CH3)2NCOH') | W('C2H4Cl2') | W('C2H5CN') | W('C2H5OH') |
W('C5H5N') | W('C6H12') | W('C6H14') | W('C6H5CH3') | W('C6H5Cl') | W('C6H6') | W('C7H8') | W('CH2Cl2') |
W('CH2ClCH2Cl') | W('CH3C6H5') | W('CH3Cl') | W('CH3CN') | W('CH3CO2H') | W('CH3COCH3') | W('CH3COOH') |
W('CH3NHCOH') | W('CH3NO2') | W('CH3OH') | W('CH3Ph') | W('CH3SOCH3') | W('CHCl2') | W('CHCl3') | W('Cl2CH2') |
# Over-tokenized variants first, useful for matching in tables with fine tokenizer
nmr_solvent = (
I('THF') + W('-') + I('d8') | I('d8') + W('-') + I('THF') | I('acetone') + W('-') + I('d6') |
I('d6') + W('-') + I('acetone') | I('chloroform') + W('-') + I('d') | I('d') + W('-') + I('chloroform') |
I('methanol') + W('-') + I('d4') | I('d4') + W('-') + I('methanol') | I('pyridine') + W('-') + I('d5') |
I('d5') + W('-') + I('pyridine') | I('DMSO') + W('-') + I('d6') | I('d6') + W('-') + I('DMSO') |
I('dimethylsulfoxide') + W('-') + I('d6') | I('d6') + W('-') + I('dimethylsulfoxide') |
W('MeOH') + W('-') + I('d4') | I('d4') + W('-') + W('MeOH') | I('benzene-d6') + W('-') + I('d6') |
I('d6') + W('-') + I('benzene') | I('d2') + W('-') + I('tetrachloroethane') |
I('tetrachloroethane') + W('-') + I('d2') |
I('(CD3)2CO') | I('(CDCl2)2') | I('C6D6') | I('C2D5CN') | I('CD2Cl2') | I('CD3CN') | I('CD3COCD3') | I('CD3OD') |
I('CD3SOCD3') | I('CDCl3') | I('CH3OD') | I('D2O') | W('EtOD') | W('MeOD') | I('THF-d8') | I('d8-THF') |
I('acetone-d6') | I('d6-acetone') | I('chloroform-d') | I('d-chloroform') | I('methanol-d4') | I('d4-methanol') |
I('pyridine-d5') | I('d5-pyridine') | I('DMSO-d6') | I('d6-DMSO') | I('dimethylsulfoxide-d6') | W('C7D8') |
I('d6-dimethylsulfoxide') | W('MeOH-d4') | W('d4-MeOH') | I('DMSO') | I('benzene-d6') | I('d6-benzene') |
I('1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane-d2') | I('tetrachloroethane-d2') | I('d2-tetrachloroethane')
#: Solvent names.
other_solvent = (
I('1-butanol') | I('1-butylimidazole') | I('1-cyclohexanol') | I('1-decanol') | I('1-heptanol') | I('1-hexanol') |
I('1-methylethyl') + I('acetate') | I('1-octanol') | I('1-pentanol') | I('1-phenylethanol') | I('1-propanol') |
I('1-undecanol') | I('1,1,1-trifluoroethanol') | I('1,1,1,3,3,3-hexafluoro-2-propanol') |
I('1,1,1,3,3,3-hexafluoropropan-2-ol') | I('1,1,2-trichloroethane') | I('1,2-c2h4cl2') | I('1,2-dichloroethane') |
I('1,2-dimethoxyethane') | I('1,2-dimethylbenzene') | I('1,2-ethanediol') | I('1,2,4-trichlorobenzene') |
I('1,4-dimethylbenzene') | I('1,4-dioxane') | I('2-(n-morpholino)ethanesulfonic') + I('acid') | I('2-butanol') |
I('2-butanone') | I('2-me-thf') | I('2-methf') | I('2-methoxy-2-methylpropane') |
I('2-methyl') + I('tetrahydrofuran') | I('2-methylpentane') | I('2-methylpropan-1-ol') | I('2-methylpropan-2-ol') |
I('2-methyltetrahydrofuran') | I('2-proh') | I('2-propanol') | I('2-propyl') + I('acetate') | I('2-pyrrolidone') |
I('2,2,2-trifluoroethanol') | I('2,2,4-trimethylpentane') | I('2Me-THF') | I('2MeTHF') | I('3-methyl-pentane') |
I('4-methyl-1,3-dioxolan-2-one') | I('acetic') + I('acid') | I('aceto-nitrile') | I('acetone') | I('acetonitrile') |
I('acetononitrile') | I('AcOEt') | I('AcOH') | I('AgNO3') | I('aniline') | I('anisole') | I('benzene') |
I('benzonitrile') | I('benzyl') + I('alcohol') | I('bromoform') | I('Bu2O') | I('Bu4NBr') | I('Bu4NClO4') |
I('Bu4NPF6') | I('BuCN') | I('BuOH') | I('butan-1-ol') | I('butan-2-ol') | I('butan-2-one') | I('butane') |
I('butanol') | I('butanone') | I('butene') | I('butyl') + I('acetate') | I('butyl') + I('acetonitrile') |
I('butyl') + I('alcohol') | I('butyl') + I('amine') | I('butyl') + I('chloride') | I('butyl') + I('imidazole') |
I('butyronitrile') | I('c-hexane') | I('carbon') + I('disulfide') | I('carbon') + I('tetrachloride') |
I('chlorobenzene') | I('chloroform') | I('chloromethane') | I('chlorotoluene') | I('CHX') | I('cumene') |
I('cyclohexane') | I('cyclohexanol') | I('cyclopentyl') + I('methyl') + I('ether') | I('DCE') | I('DCM') | I('decalin') |
I('decan-1-ol') | I('decane') | I('decanol') | I('DEE') | I('di-isopropyl') + I('ether') |
I('di-n-butyl') + I('ether') | I('di-n-hexyl') + I('ether') | I('dibromoethane') | I('dibutoxymethane') |
I('dibutyl') + I('ether') | I('dichloro-methane') | I('dichlorobenzene') | I('dichloroethane') |
I('dichloromethane') | I('diethoxymethane') | I('diethyl') + I('carbonate') | I('diethyl') + I('ether') |
I('diethylamine') | I('diethylether') | I('diglyme') | I('dihexyl') + I('ether') | I('diiodomethane') |
I('diisopropyl') + I('ether') | I('diisopropylamine') | I('dimethoxyethane') | I('dimethoxymethane') |
I('dimethyl') + I('acetamide') | I('dimethyl') + I('acetimide') | I('dimethyl') + I('benzene') |
I('dimethyl') + I('carbonate') | I('dimethyl') + I('ether') | I('dimethyl') + I('formamide') |
I('dimethyl') + I('sulfoxide') | I('dimethylacetamide') | I('dimethylbenzene') | I('dimethylformamide') |
I('dimethylformanide') | I('dimethylsulfoxide') | I('dioctyl') + I('sodium') + I('sulfosuccinate') | I('dioxane') |
I('dioxolane') | I('dipropyl') + I('ether') | I('DMAc') | I('DMF') | I('DMSO') | I('Et2O') | I('EtAc') |
I('EtAcO') | I('EtCN') | I('ethane') + I('diol') | I('ethane-1,2-diol') | I('ethanol') |
I('ethyl') + I('(S)-2-hydroxypropanoate') | I('ethyl') + I('acetate') | I('ethyl') + I('benzoate') |
I('ethyl') + I('formate') | I('ethyl') + I('lactate') | I('ethyl') + I('propionate') | I('ethylacetamide') |
I('ethylacetate') | I('ethylene') + I('carbonate') | I('ethylene') + I('glycol') | I('ethyleneglycol') |
I('ethylhexan-1-ol') | I('EtOAc') | I('EtOH') | I('eucalyptol') | I('F3-ethanol') | I('F3-EtOH') | I('formamide') |
I('formic') + I('acid') | I('glacial') + I('acetic') + I('acid') | I('glycerol') | I('H2O') | I('H2O2') |
I('H2SO4') | I('HBF4') | I('HCl') | I('HClO4') | I('HCO2H') | I('HCONH2') | I('heptan-1-ol') |
I('heptane') | I('heptanol') | I('heptene') | I('HEX') | I('hexadecylamine') | I('hexafluoroisopropanol') |
I('hexafluoropropanol') | I('hexan-1-ol') | I('hexane') | I('hexanes') | I('hexanol') | I('hexene') |
I('hexyl') + I('ether') | I('HFIP') | I('HFP') | I('HNO3') | I('hydrochloric') + I('acid') |
I('hydrogen') + I('peroxide') | I('iodobenzene') | I('isohexane') | I('isooctane') | I('isopropanol') |
I('isopropyl') + I('benzene') | I('KBr') | I('LiCl') | I('ligroine') | I('limonene') | I('Me-THF') | I('Me2CO') |
I('MeCN') | I('MeCO2Et') | I('MeNO2') | I('MeOH') | I('mesitylene') | I('methanamide') | I('methanol') |
I('MeTHF') | I('methoxybenzene') | I('methoxyethylamine') | I('methyl') + I('acetamide') |
I('methyl') + I('acetoacetate') | I('methyl') + I('benzene') | I('methyl') + I('butane') |
I('methyl') + I('cyclohexane') | I('methyl') + I('ethyl') + I('ketone') | I('methyl') + I('formamide') |
I('methyl') + I('formate') | I('methyl') + I('isobutyl') + I('ketone') | I('methyl') + I('laurate') |
I('methyl') + I('methanoate') | I('methyl') + I('naphthalene') | I('methyl') + I('pentane') |
I('methyl') + I('propan-1-ol') | I('methyl') + I('propan-2-ol') | I('methyl') + I('propionate') |
I('methyl') + I('pyrrolidin-2-one') | I('methyl') + I('pyrrolidine') | I('methyl') + I('pyrrolidinone') |
I('methyl') + I('t-butyl') + I('ether') | I('methyl') + I('tetrahydrofuran') | I('methyl-2-pyrrolidone') |
I('methylbenzene') | I('methylcyclohexane') | I('methylene') + I('chloride') | I('methylformamide') |
I('methyltetrahydrofuran') | I('MIBK') | I('morpholine') | I('mTHF') | I('n-butanol') |
I('n-butyl') + I('acetate') | I('n-decane') | I('n-heptane') | I('n-HEX') | I('n-hexane') | I('n-methylformamide') |
I('n-methylpyrrolidone') | I('n-nonane') | I('n-octanol') | I('n-pentane') | I('n-propanol') |
I('n,n-dimethylacetamide') | I('n,n-dimethylformamide') | I('n,n-DMF') | I('Na2SO4') | I('NaCl') | I('NaClO4') |
I('NaHCO3') | I('NaOH') | I('nBu4NBF4') | I('nitric') + I('acid') | I('nitrobenzene') | I('nitromethane') |
I('nonane') | I('nujol') | I('o-dichlorobenzene') | I('o-xylene') | I('octan-1-ol') | I('octane') | I('octanol') |
I('octene') | I('ODCB') | I('p-xylene') | I('pentan-1-ol') | I('pentane') | I('pentanol') | I('pentanone') |
I('pentene') | I('PeOH') | I('perchloric') + I('acid') | I('PhCH3') | I('PhCl') | I('PhCN') | I('phenoxyethanol') |
I('phenyl') + I('acetylene') | I('Phenyl') + I('ethanol') | I('phenylamine') | I('phenylethanolamine') |
I('phenylmethanol') | I('PhMe') | I('phosphate') | I('phosphate') + I('buffered') + I('saline') | I('pinane') |
I('piperidine') | I('polytetrafluoroethylene') | I('potassium') + I('bromide') |
I('potassium') + I('phosphate') + I('buffer') | I('PrCN') | I('PrOH') | I('propan-1-ol') | I('propan-2-ol') |
I('propane') | I('propane-1,2-diol') | I('propane-1,2,3-triol') | I('propanol') | I('propene') |
I('propionic') + I('acid') | I('propionitrile') | I('propyl') + I('acetate') | I('propyl') + I('amine') |
I('propylene') + I('carbonate') | I('propylene') + I('glycol') | I('pyridine') | I('pyrrolidone') | I('quinoline') |
I('silver') + I('nitrate') | I('SNO2') | I('sodium') + I('chloride') | I('sodium') + I('hydroxide') |
I('sodium') + I('perchlorate') | I('sulfuric') + I('acid') | I('t-butanol') | I('TBABF4') | I('TBAF') | I('TBAH') |
I('TBAOH') | I('TBAP') | I('TBAPF6') | I('TEAP') | I('TEOA') | I('tert-butanol') | I('tert-butyl') + I('alcohol') |
I('tetrabutylammonium') + I('hexafluorophosphate') | I('tetrabutylammonium') + I('hydroxide') |
I('tetrachloroethane') | I('tetrachloroethylene') | I('tetrachloromethane') | I('tetrafluoroethylene') |
I('tetrahydrofuran') | I('tetralin') | I('tetramethylsilane') | I('tetramethylurea') | I('tetrapiperidine') |
I('TFA') | I('TFE') | I('THF') | I('tin') + I('dioxide') | I('titanium') + I('dioxide') | I('toluene') |
I('tri-n-butyl') + I('phosphate') | I('triacetate') | I('triacetin') | I('tribromomethane') |
I('tributyl') + I('phosphate') | I('trichlorobenzene') | I('trichloroethene') | I('trichloromethane') |
I('triethyl') + I('amine') | I('triethyl') + I('phosphate') | I('triethylamine') |
I('trifluoroacetic') + I('acid') | I('trifluoroethanol') | I('trimethyl') + I('benzene') |
I('trimethyl') + I('pentane') | I('tris') | I('undecan-1-ol') | I('undecanol') | I('valeronitrile') | I('water') |
I('xylene') | I('xylol') |
I('[nBu4N][BF4]') | I('BCN') | I('ACN') | I('BTN') | I('BHDC') | I('AOT') | I('DMA') | I('Triton X-100') |
I('MOPS') | I('TX-100') | I('H2O') + I('+') + I('TX') | I('H2O-Triton X') | I('MES') | I('HDA') | I('PIPES') |
I('heavy') + I('water') | I('IPA') | I('KPB') | I('MCH') | I('NPA') | I('NMP') | I('PBS') | I('HEPES') |
I('SDS') | I('TBP') | I('TEA')
# Potentially problematic solvent names at the end above...
solvent_name_options = (nmr_solvent | solvent_formula | other_solvent)
solvent_name = (Optional(include_prefix) + solvent_name_options)('names').add_action(join).add_action(fix_whitespace)
chemical_name_blacklist = (I('mmc'))
proper_chemical_name_options = Not(chemical_name_blacklist) + (
cm | element_name | element_symbol | registry_number | amino_acid | amino_acid_name | formula
# Mixtures e.g. 30% mol MnAs + 70% mol ZnGeAs2
mixture_component = (R('\d+(\.\d+)?') + W('%') + Optional(I('mol')) + proper_chemical_name_options).add_action(join)
mixture_phrase = (mixture_component + W('+') + mixture_component).add_action(join)('names')
chemical_name_options = (proper_chemical_name_options | mixture_phrase) + ZeroOrMore(joining_characters + (proper_chemical_name_options | mixture_phrase))
chemical_name = (Optional(include_prefix) + chemical_name_options)('names').add_action(join).add_action(fix_whitespace)
# Label phrase structures
# label_type delim? label delim? chemical_name ZeroOrMore(delim cc label delim? chemical_name)
label_name_cem = (chemical_label + optdelim + chemical_name)('compound')
labelled_as = (R('^labell?ed$') + W('as')).hide()
optquote = Optional(quote.hide())
label_before_name = Optional(synthesis_of | to_give) + label_type + optdelim + label_name_cem + ZeroOrMore(optdelim + cc + optdelim + label_name_cem)
likely_abbreviation = (Optional(include_prefix + Optional(hyphen)) + R('^([A-Z]{2,6}(\-[A-Z]{1,6})?|[A-Z](\-[A-Z]{2,6}))$'))('names').add_action(join).add_action(fix_whitespace)
name_with_optional_bracketed_label = (Optional(synthesis_of | to_give) + chemical_name + Optional(lbrct + Optional(labelled_as + optquote) + (chemical_label | lenient_chemical_label | likely_abbreviation) + optquote + rbrct))('compound')
# Lenient name match that should be used with stricter surrounding context
lenient_name = OneOrMore(Not(rbrct) + (bcm | icm | jj | nn | nnp | nns | hyph | cd | ls | W(',')))('names').add_action(join).add_action(fix_whitespace)
# Very lenient name and label match, with format like "name (Compound 3)"
lenient_name_with_bracketed_label = (Start() + Optional(synthesis_of) + lenient_name + lbrct + label_type.hide() + lenient_chemical_label + rbrct)('compound')
# chemical name with a comma in it that hasn't been tagged.
name_with_comma_within = Start() + Group(Optional(synthesis_of) + (cm + W(',') + cm + Not(cm) + Not(I('and')))('names').add_action(join).add_action(fix_whitespace))('compound')
# Chemical name with a doped label after
name_with_doped_label = (chemical_name + OneOrMore(delim | I('with') | I('for')) + doped_chemical_label)('compound')
# Chemical name with an informal label after
name_with_informal_label = (chemical_name + Optional(R('compounds?')) + OneOrMore(delim | I('with') | I('for')) + informal_chemical_label)('compound')
# to_give_bracketed_label = to_give + lenient_name # TODO: Come back to this
# TODO: Currently ensuring roles are captured from text preceding cem/cem_phrase ... abstract out the 'to_give"
cem = (name_with_informal_label | name_with_doped_label | lenient_name_with_bracketed_label | label_before_name | name_with_comma_within | name_with_optional_bracketed_label)
cem_phrase = Group(cem)('cem_phrase').add_action(fix_whitespace)
r_equals = R('^[R]$') + W('=') + OneOrMore(Not(rbrct) + (bcm | icm | nn | nnp | nns | hyph | cd | ls))
of_table = (I('of') | I('in')) + Optional(dt) + I('table')
bracketed_after_name = Optional(comma) + lbrct + Optional(labelled_as + optquote) + (chemical_label | lenient_chemical_label | likely_abbreviation) + optquote + Optional(Optional(comma) + r_equals | of_table) + rbrct
comma_after_name = comma + Optional(labelled_as + optquote) + (chemical_label | likely_abbreviation)
compound_heading_ending = (Optional(comma) + ((lbrct + (chemical_label | lenient_chemical_label | lenient_name) + Optional(Optional(comma) + r_equals | of_table) + rbrct) | chemical_label) + Optional(R('^[:;]$')).hide() | comma + (chemical_label | lenient_chemical_label)) + Optional(W('.')) + End()
# Section number, to allow at the start of a heading
section_no = Optional(I('stage') | I('step') | I('section') | I('part')) + (T('CD') | R('^\d{1,3}(\.\d{1,3}(\.\d{1,3}(\.\d{1,3})?)?)?$') | (Optional(lbrct) + roman_numeral + rbrct))
compound_heading_style1 = Start() + Optional(section_no.hide()) + Optional(synthesis_of) + OneOrMore(Not(compound_heading_ending) + (bcm | icm | jj | nn | nnp | nns | hyph | sym | cd | ls | W(',')))('names').add_action(join).add_action(fix_whitespace) + compound_heading_ending + End()
compound_heading_style2 = chemical_name + Optional(bracketed_after_name)
compound_heading_style3 = synthesis_of + (lenient_name | chemical_name) + Optional(bracketed_after_name | comma_after_name) # Possibly redundant?
compound_heading_style4 = label_type + lenient_chemical_label + ZeroOrMore((T('CC') | comma) + lenient_chemical_label) + (lenient_name | chemical_name) + Optional(bracketed_after_name | comma_after_name)
compound_heading_style5 = informal_chemical_label
compound_heading_style6 = doped_chemical_label
# TODO: Capture label type in output
compound_heading_phrase = Group(compound_heading_style6 | compound_heading_style5 | compound_heading_style1 | compound_heading_style2 | compound_heading_style3 | compound_heading_style4 | chemical_label)('compound')
names_only = Group((solvent_name | chemical_name
| likely_abbreviation
| (Start() + Group(Optional(synthesis_of) + (cm + W(',') + cm + Not(cm) + Not(I('and'))).add_action(join).add_action(fix_whitespace)))))('compound')
labels_only = Group((doped_chemical_label | informal_chemical_label | numeric | R('^([A-Z]\d{1,3})$') | strict_chemical_label))('compound')
roles_only = Group((label_type | synthesis_of | to_give))('compound')
[docs]def standardize_role(role):
"""Convert role text into standardized form."""
role = role.lower()
if any(c in role for c in {'synthesis', 'give', 'yield', 'afford', 'product', 'preparation of'}):
return 'product'
return role
# TODO jm2111, Problems here! The parsers don't have a parse method anymore. Ruins parsing of captions.
[docs]class CompoundParser(BaseSentenceParser):
"""Chemical name possibly with an associated label."""
_label = None
_root_phrase = None
def root(self):
label = self.model.labels.parse_expression('labels')
label_name_cem = (label + optdelim + chemical_name)('compound')
label_before_name = Optional(synthesis_of | to_give) + label_type + optdelim + label_name_cem + ZeroOrMore(optdelim + cc + optdelim + label_name_cem)
name_with_optional_bracketed_label = (Optional(synthesis_of | to_give) + chemical_name + Optional(lbrct + Optional(labelled_as + optquote) + (label) + optquote + rbrct))('compound')
# Very lenient name and label match, with format like "name (Compound 3)"
lenient_name_with_bracketed_label = (Start() + Optional(synthesis_of) + lenient_name + lbrct + label_type.hide() + label + rbrct)('compound')
# Chemical name with a doped label after
# name_with_doped_label = (chemical_name + OneOrMore(delim | I('with') | I('for')) + label)('compound')
# Chemical name with an informal label after
# name_with_informal_label = (chemical_name + Optional(R('compounds?')) + OneOrMore(delim | I('with') | I('for')) + informal_chemical_label)('compound')
return Group(name_with_informal_label | name_with_doped_label | lenient_name_with_bracketed_label | label_before_name | name_with_comma_within | name_with_optional_bracketed_label)('cem_phrase')
[docs] def interpret(self, result, start, end):
# TODO: Parse label_type into label model object
# print(etree.tostring(result))
for cem_el in result.xpath('./compound'):
c = self.model(
roles=[standardize_role(r) for r in cem_el.xpath('./roles/text()')]
c.record_method = self.__class__.__name__
yield c
[docs]class ChemicalLabelParser(BaseSentenceParser):
"""Chemical label occurrences with no associated name."""
_label = None
_root_phrase = None
def root(self):
label = self.model.labels.parse_expression('labels')
if self._label is label:
return self._root_phrase
self._root_phrase = (chemical_label_phrase | Group(label)('chemical_label_phrase'))
self._label = label
return self._root_phrase
[docs] def interpret(self, result, start, end):
# print(etree.tostring(result))
roles = [standardize_role(r) for r in result.xpath('./roles/text()')]
for label in result.xpath('./labels/text()'):
yield self.model(labels=[label], roles=roles)
[docs]class CompoundHeadingParser(BaseSentenceParser):
"""Better matching of abbreviated names in dedicated compound headings."""
root = compound_heading_phrase
[docs] def interpret(self, result, start, end):
roles = [standardize_role(r) for r in result.xpath('./roles/text()')]
labels = result.xpath('./labels/text()')
if len(labels) > 1:
for label in labels:
yield self.model(labels=[label], roles=roles)
for name in result.xpath('./names/text()'):
yield self.model(names=[name], roles=roles)
yield self.model(
[docs]class CompoundTableParser(BaseTableParser):
entities = (cem | chemical_label | lenient_chemical_label) | ((I('Formula') | I('Compound')).add_action(join))('specifier')
root = OneOrMore(entities + Optional(SkipTo(entities)))('root_phrase')
def root(self):
# is always found, our models currently rely on the compound
chem_name = (cem | chemical_label | lenient_chemical_label)
compound_model = self.model
labels = compound_model.labels.parse_expression('labels')
entities = [labels]
specifier = (I('Formula') | I('Compound') | I('Alloy')).add_action(join)('specifier')
# the optional, user-defined, entities of the model are added, they are tagged with the name of the field
for field in self.model.fields:
if field not in ['raw_value', 'raw_units', 'value', 'units', 'error', 'specifier']:
if self.model.__getattribute__(self.model, field).parse_expression is not None:
entities.append(self.model.__getattribute__(self.model, field).parse_expression(field))
# the chem_name has to be parsed last in order to avoid a conflict with other elements of the model
# logic for finding all the elements in any order
combined_entities = entities[0]
for entity in entities[1:]:
combined_entities = (combined_entities | entity)
root_phrase = OneOrMore(combined_entities + Optional(SkipTo(combined_entities)))('root_phrase')
self._root_phrase = root_phrase
self._specifier = self.model.specifier
return root_phrase
[docs] def interpret(self, result, start, end):
# TODO: Parse label_type into label model object
if result.xpath('./specifier/text()') and \
(result.xpath('./names/names/text()') or result.xpath('./labels/text()')):
c = self.model(
roles=[standardize_role(r) for r in result.xpath('./roles/text()')]
if c is not None:
c.record_method = self.__class__.__name__
yield c