Basic property parser template for Quantity Models
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import logging
from lxml import etree
from .cem import cem, chemical_label, lenient_chemical_label, chemical_name
from .common import lbrct, dt, rbrct
from ..utils import first
from ..nlp.tokenize import ChemWordTokenizer, ChemSentenceTokenizer
from .actions import merge, join, fix_whitespace, flatten
from .base import BaseSentenceParser
from .elements import W, I, R, T, Optional, Any, OneOrMore, Not, ZeroOrMore, Group, End
from .auto import construct_unit_element, match_dimensions_of, value_element, value_element_plain, BaseAutoParser, construct_category_element
import six
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
delim = R('^[:;\.,]$')
[docs]class QuantityModelTemplateParser(BaseAutoParser, BaseSentenceParser):
"""Template parser for QuantityModel-type structures
Finds Cem, Specifier, Value and Units from single sentences
Other entities are merged contextually
def specifier_phrase(self):
"""The model specifier"""
return self.model.specifier.parse_expression('specifier')
def value_phrase(self):
"""Value and units"""
if hasattr(self.model, 'dimensions') and not self.model.dimensions:
return value_element_plain()
elif hasattr(self.model, 'category') and self.model.category:
return self.model.category.parse_expression('category')
unit_element = Group(construct_unit_element(self.model.dimensions).with_condition(
return value_element(unit_element)
def cem_phrase(self):
"""CEM phrases"""
return self.model.compound.model_class.parsers[0].root
def prefix(self):
"""Specifier prefix phrase e.g. Tc equal to"""
return (self.specifier_phrase
+ OneOrMore(Not(self.cem_phrase | self.specifier_phrase | self.value_phrase) + Any().hide())
+ Optional(I('values')).hide()
+ Optional(delim).hide()
+ Optional((I('varies') + I('from')) |
R('^increase(s|d)?') | I('falls') | I('reaches')).hide()
+ Optional(I('steeply')).hide()
+ Optional(I('recorded') | I('reported')).hide()
+ Optional(I('of') | I('was') | I('is') | I('at') | I('near') |
I('above') | I('below') | I('with') | I('to') | I('were') | I('a')).hide()
+ Optional(I('reported') | I('determined') |
I('estimated') | I('found') | I('occurs')).hide()
+ Optional(I('temperatures')).hide()
+ Optional(I('as') | (I('to') + I('be'))).hide()
+ Optional(I('in') + I('the') + I('range')).hide()
+ Optional(I('as') + I('high') + I('as'))
+ Optional(I('ranging') + I('from')).hide()
+ Optional(I('of')).hide()
+ Optional(I('rather') | I('quite')).hide()
+ Optional(I('high') | I('low') | I('maximum') | I('minimum')).hide()
+ Optional(I('the')).hide()
+ Optional(delim | lbrct | rbrct)
+ Optional(I('of') | I('about') | I('approximately') | I('typically') | I('ca.') | I('around') | I('at') | I('above') | I('below') | I('high') | I('low')
| ((I('higher') | I('lower') | I('more') | I('less')) + I('than')) | I('order') | (I('for') + I('instance')) | (I('up') + I('to')) | I('reaching') | I('value')).hide()
+ Optional(I('a') | I('an') | I('as')).hide()
+ Optional(I('maximum')).hide()
+ Optional(I('of')).hide()
+ ZeroOrMore(lbrct | delim | rbrct)
+ Optional(self.specifier_phrase)
+ Optional(I('of')).hide()
+ Optional(I('the')).hide()
+ Optional(I('order')).hide()
+ Optional((I('up') | I('equal')) + I('to')).hide()
+ Optional(I('of')).hide()
+ ZeroOrMore(lbrct | delim | rbrct)
+ Optional(W('=') | W('~') | W('≈') |
W('≃') | W('>') | W('<')).hide()
+ ZeroOrMore(lbrct | delim | rbrct).hide()).add_action(join)
def specifier_and_value(self):
"""Specifier and value + units"""
return Group(self.prefix + self.value_phrase)
def cem_before_specifier_and_value_phrase(self):
"""Phrases ordered CEM, Specifier, Value, Unit"""
return (
+ OneOrMore(Not(self.cem_phrase | self.specifier_phrase | self.specifier_and_value) + Any().hide())
+ self.specifier_and_value)('root_phrase')
def specifier_before_cem_and_value_phrase(self):
return (
+ OneOrMore(Not(self.cem_phrase | self.specifier_phrase | self.value_phrase) + Any().hide())
+ self.cem_phrase
+ OneOrMore(Not(self.cem_phrase | self.specifier_phrase | self.value_phrase) + Any().hide())
+ Optional(self.prefix)
+ self.value_phrase)('root_phrase')
def cem_after_specifier_and_value_phrase(self):
"""Phrases ordered specifier, value, unit, CEM"""
return (
+ OneOrMore(Not(self.cem_phrase | self.specifier_phrase | self.value_phrase) + Any().hide())
+ self.cem_phrase)('root_phrase')
def value_specifier_cem_phrase(self):
"""Phrases ordered value unit specifier cem"""
return (self.value_phrase
+ Optional(delim | lbrct | rbrct)
+ Optional(I('which') | I('there')).hide()
+ Optional(I('likely') | I('close') |
(I('can') + I('be'))).hide()
+ Optional(I('corresponds') |
I('associated') | I('corresponding')).hide()
+ Optional(I('to') | I('with') | I('is')).hide()
+ Optional(I('the') | I('a')).hide()
+ Optional(I('transition')).hide()
+ Optional(I('to').hide())
+ Optional(I('a')).hide()
+ self.specifier_phrase
+ Not(I('='))
+ Not(self.value_phrase)
+ Optional(I('of') | I('in')).hide()
+ self.cem_phrase)('root_phrase')
def root(self):
"""Root Phrases"""
root_phrase = Group(self.specifier_before_cem_and_value_phrase | self.cem_after_specifier_and_value_phrase | self.value_specifier_cem_phrase | self.cem_before_specifier_and_value_phrase | Group(self.specifier_and_value)('root_phrase'))
return root_phrase
[docs]class MultiQuantityModelTemplateParser(BaseAutoParser, BaseSentenceParser):
"""Template for parsing sentences that contain nested or chained entities
1) Single compound, multiple specifiers, multiple phase transitions e.g. BiFeO3 has TC = 1093 K and TN = 640 K
2) single compound, single specifier, multiple transitions e.g. BiFeO3 shows magnetic transitions at 1093 and 640 K
3) multiple compounds, single specifier, multiple transitions e.g. TC in BiFeO3 and LaFeO3 of 640 and 750 K
4) multiple compounds, single specifier, single transition e.g. TC of 640 K in BifEO3, LaFeO3 and MnO
5) multiple compounds, multiple specifiers, multiple transitions e.g. BiFeO3 and LaFeO3 have Tc = 640 K and TN = 750 K respectively
BaseAutoParser {[type]} -- [description]
BaseSentenceParser {[type]} -- [description]
def specifier_phrase(self):
"""Specifier Phrase"""
return self.model.specifier.parse_expression('specifier')
def prefix(self):
"""Specifier and prefix"""
return (self.specifier_phrase
+ Optional(I('values')).hide()
+ Optional(delim).hide()
+ Optional((I('varies') + I('from')) |
R('^increase(s|d)?') | I('falls') | I('reaches')).hide()
+ Optional(I('steeply')).hide()
+ Optional(I('recorded') | I('reported')).hide()
+ Optional(I('of') | I('was') | I('is') | I('at') | I('near') |
I('above') | I('below') | I('with') | I('to') | I('were') | I('a')).hide()
+ Optional(I('reported') | I('determined') |
I('estimated') | I('found') | I('occurs')).hide()
+ Optional(I('temperatures')).hide()
+ Optional(I('as') | (I('to') + I('be'))).hide()
+ Optional(I('in') + I('the') + I('range')).hide()
+ Optional(I('as') + I('high') + I('as'))
+ Optional(I('ranging') + I('from')).hide()
+ Optional(I('of')).hide()
+ Optional(I('rather') | I('quite')).hide()
+ Optional(I('high') | I('low') | I('maximum') | I('minimum')).hide()
+ Optional(I('the')).hide()
+ Optional(delim | lbrct | rbrct)
+ Optional(I('of') | I('about') | I('approximately') | I('typically') | I('ca.') | I('around') | I('at') | I('above') | I('below') | I('high') | I('low')
| ((I('higher') | I('lower') | I('more') | I('less')) + I('than')) | I('order') | (I('for') + I('instance')) | (I('up') + I('to')) | I('reaching') | I('value')).hide()
+ Optional(I('a') | I('an') | I('as')).hide()
+ Optional(I('maximum')).hide()
+ Optional(I('of')).hide()
+ ZeroOrMore(lbrct | delim | rbrct)
+ Optional(self.specifier_phrase)
+ Optional(I('of')).hide()
+ Optional(I('the')).hide()
+ Optional(I('order')).hide()
+ Optional((I('up') | I('equal')) + I('to')).hide()
+ Optional(I('of')).hide()
+ ZeroOrMore(lbrct | delim | rbrct)
+ Optional(W('=') | W('~') | W('≈') |
W('≃') | W('>') | W('<')).hide()
+ ZeroOrMore(lbrct | delim | rbrct).hide()).add_action(join)
def single_cem(self):
"""Any cem"""
return Group(cem | chemical_label | Group(chemical_name)('compound'))
def unit(self):
"""Unit element"""
return Group(construct_unit_element(self.model.dimensions).with_condition(
def value_with_optional_unit(self):
"""Value possibly followed by a unit"""
if hasattr(self.model, 'dimensions') and not self.model.dimensions:
return value_element_plain()
elif hasattr(self.model, 'category') and self.model.category:
return self.model.category.parse_expression('category')
value = value_element_plain()
return Group(value + Optional(self.unit))
def value_phrase(self):
"""Value with unit"""
if hasattr(self.model, 'dimensions') and not self.model.dimensions:
return value_element_plain()
elif hasattr(self.model, 'category') and self.model.category:
return self.model.category.parse_expression('category')
return value_element(self.unit)
def list_of_values(self):
"""List of values with either multiple units or one at the end"""
# option 1: single unit at the end
option_1 = Group(self.value_with_optional_unit
+ Optional(OneOrMore(delim.hide() + self.value_with_optional_unit))
+ Optional(delim).hide()
+ (I('and') | I('or')).hide()
+ Optional(delim).hide()
+ self.value_phrase)('value_list')
# option 2: Multiple units
option_2 = (self.value_phrase
+ Optional(OneOrMore(delim.hide() + self.value_phrase))
+ Optional(delim).hide()
+ (I('and') | I('or') | delim).hide()
+ self.value_phrase)('value_list')
return (option_1 | option_2)
def list_of_cems(self):
"""List of cems e.g. cem1, cem2, cem3 and cem4"""
return Group(self.single_cem
+ Optional(lbrct + R('^\d+$') + rbrct).hide()
+ ZeroOrMore(delim.hide() | self.single_cem | R('^\d+$'))
+ (I('and') | I('or')).hide()
+ self.single_cem
+ Optional(lbrct + R('^\d+$') + rbrct).hide()
+ Optional(I('compounds') | I('samples')))('cem_list')
def single_specifier_and_value_with_optional_unit(self):
"""Specifier plus value and possible unit"""
return Group(self.prefix + self.value_with_optional_unit)('property')
def single_specifier_and_value(self):
"""Specifier value and unit"""
return Group(self.prefix + self.value_phrase)('property')
def list_of_properties(self):
"""List of specifiers and units"""
return Group(Optional(lbrct).hide()
+ self.single_specifier_and_value_with_optional_unit
+ (I('and') | delim | (I('that') + I('exhibits'))).hide()
+ self.single_specifier_and_value
+ Optional(rbrct).hide())('property_list')
def multi_entity_phrase_1(self):
"""Single compound, multiple specifiers, values
e.g. BiFeO3 has TC1 = 1093 K and Tc2 = 640 K
return Group(self.single_cem
+ OneOrMore(Not(self.single_cem | self.specifier_phrase | self.value_phrase) + Any().hide())
+ self.list_of_properties)('multi_entity_phrase_1')
def multi_entity_phrase_2(self):
"""single compound, single specifier, multiple transitions
e.g. BiFeO3 shows magnetic transitions at 1093 and 640 K
return Group(self.single_cem
+ OneOrMore(Not(self.single_cem | self.specifier_phrase | self.value_phrase) + Any().hide())
+ self.specifier_phrase
+ OneOrMore(Not(self.single_cem | self.specifier_phrase | self.value_phrase) + Any().hide())
+ self.list_of_values
+ Optional(delim).hide()
+ Optional(I('respectively')))('multi_entity_phrase_2')
def multi_entity_phrase_3a(self):
"""multiple compounds, single specifier, multiple transitions cems first
e.g. TC in BiFeO3 and LaFeO3 of 640 and 750 K
return Group(Optional(self.specifier_phrase)
+ Optional(I('in') | I('for')).hide()
+ self.list_of_cems
+ OneOrMore(Not(self.single_cem | self.specifier_phrase | self.value_phrase) + Any().hide())
+ self.prefix
+ self.list_of_values
+ Optional(delim.hide() + I('respectively').hide()))('multi_entity_phrase_3')
def multi_entity_phrase_3b(self):
"""multiple compounds, single specifier, multiple transitions cems last
e.g. Tc = 750 and 640 K in LaFeO3 and BiFeO3, respectivel
return Group(self.prefix
+ self.list_of_values
+ Optional(I('in') | I('for'))
+ self.list_of_cems
+ Optional(delim + I('respectively')))('multi_entity_phrase_3')
def multi_entity_phrase_3c(self):
"""multiple compounds, single specifier, multiple transitions cems last
e.g. curie temperatures from 100 K in MnO to 300 K in NiO
return Group(self.single_specifier_and_value
+ Optional(I('for') | I('in')).hide()
+ self.single_cem
+ (Optional(I('up')) + I('to')).hide()
+ self.value_phrase
+ Optional(I('in') | I('for')).hide()
+ self.single_cem)('multi_entity_phrase_3')
def multi_entity_phrase_3(self):
"""Combined phrases of type 3"""
return Group(self.multi_entity_phrase_3a | self.multi_entity_phrase_3b | self.multi_entity_phrase_3c)
def multi_entity_phrase_4a(self):
"""multiple compounds, single specifier, single transition
e.g. TC of 640 K in BifEO3, LaFeO3 and MnO
return Group(self.single_specifier_and_value
+ OneOrMore(Not(self.single_cem | self.specifier_phrase | self.value_phrase) + Any().hide())
+ self.list_of_cems)('multi_entity_phrase_4')
def multi_entity_phrase_4b(self):
"""Cems first"""
return Group(self.list_of_cems
+ OneOrMore(Not(self.single_cem | self.specifier_phrase | self.value_phrase) + Any().hide())
+ self.single_specifier_and_value)('multi_entity_phrase_4')
def multi_entity_phrase_4(self):
return Group(self.multi_entity_phrase_4a | self.multi_entity_phrase_4b)
def root(self):
return (self.multi_entity_phrase_1 | self.multi_entity_phrase_2 | self.multi_entity_phrase_3 | self.multi_entity_phrase_4)
[docs] def interpret(self, result, start, end):
if result.tag == 'multi_entity_phrase_1':
for model in self.interpret_multi_entity_1(result, start, end):
# records the parser that was used to generate this record, can be used for evaluation
model.record_method = self.__class__.__name__
yield model
elif result.tag == 'multi_entity_phrase_2':
for model in self.interpret_multi_entity_2(result, start, end):
model.record_method = self.__class__.__name__
yield model
elif result.tag == 'multi_entity_phrase_3':
for model in self.interpret_multi_entity_3(result, start, end):
model.record_method = self.__class__.__name__
yield model
elif result.tag == 'multi_entity_phrase_4':
for model in self.interpret_multi_entity_4(result, start, end):
model.record_method = self.__class__.__name__
yield model
yield None
[docs] def interpret_multi_entity_1(self, result, start, end):
"""Interpret phrases that have a single CEM and multiple values with multiple specifiers
if result is None:
cem_el = first(result.xpath('./compound'))
if cem_el is None:
yield None
property_list = first(result.xpath('./property_list'))
if property_list is None:
yield None
c = self.model.compound.model_class()
# add names and labels
c.names = cem_el.xpath('./names/text()')
c.labels = cem_el.xpath('./labels/text()')
properties = property_list.xpath('./property')
last_unit = None
for pt in properties[::-1]: # Reverse order to make sure we get a unit
requirements = True
specifier = first(pt.xpath('./specifier/text()'))
raw_value = first(pt.xpath('./raw_value/text()'))
raw_units = first(pt.xpath('./raw_units/text()'))
if not raw_units:
raw_units = last_unit
last_unit = raw_units
value = self.extract_value(raw_value)
error = self.extract_error(raw_value)
units = None
units = self.extract_units(raw_units, strict=True)
except TypeError as e:
property_entities = {
'specifier': specifier,
'raw_value': raw_value,
'raw_units': raw_units,
'error': error,
'value': value,
'units': units,
'compound': c}
model_instance = self.model(**property_entities)
if requirements:
model_instance.record_method = self.__class__.__name__
yield model_instance
[docs] def interpret_multi_entity_2(self, result, start, end):
"""single compound, single specifier, multiple transitions e.g. BiFeO3 shows magnetic transitions at 1093 and 640 K
if result is None:
cem_el = first(result.xpath('./compound'))
if cem_el is None:
yield None
specifier = first(result.xpath('./specifier/text()'))
if specifier is None:
yield None
value_list = first(result.xpath('./value_list'))
if value_list is None:
yield None
c = self.model.compound.model_class()
# add names and labels
c.names = cem_el.xpath('./names/text()')
c.labels = cem_el.xpath('./labels/text()')
raw_values_list = value_list.xpath('./raw_value')
raw_units_list = value_list.xpath('./raw_units')
last_unit = None
for i, v in enumerate(raw_values_list[::-1]): # Reverse order to make sure we get a unit
raw_value = first(v.xpath('./text()'))
requirements = True
raw_units = first(raw_units_list[::-1][i].xpath('./text()'))
last_unit = raw_units
except IndexError:
if last_unit:
raw_units = last_unit
requirements = False
value = self.extract_value(raw_value)
error = self.extract_error(raw_value)
units = None
units = self.extract_units(raw_units, strict=True)
except TypeError as e:
property_entities = {
'specifier': specifier,
'raw_value': raw_value,
'raw_units': raw_units,
'error': error,
'value': value,
'units': units,
'compound': c}
model_instance = self.model(**property_entities)
if requirements:
model_instance.record_method = self.__class__.__name__
yield model_instance
[docs] def interpret_multi_entity_3(self, result, start, end):
"""interpret multiple compounds, single specifier, multiple transitions"""
if result is None:
cem_list = first(result.xpath('./cem_list'))
if cem_list is None:
yield None
specifier = first(result.xpath('./specifier/text()'))
if specifier is None:
yield None
value_list = first(result.xpath('./value_list'))
if value_list is None:
yield None
raw_values_list = value_list.xpath('./raw_value')
raw_units_list = value_list.xpath('./raw_units')
last_unit = None
for i, v in enumerate(raw_values_list[::-1]): # Reverse order to make sure we get a unit
raw_value = first(v.xpath('./text()'))
requirements = True
raw_units = first(raw_units_list[::-1][i].xpath('./text()'))
last_unit = raw_units
except IndexError:
if last_unit:
raw_units = last_unit
requirements = False
c = None
compound = cem_list[::-1][i]
c = self.model.compound.model_class(
except Exception:
requirements = False
value = self.extract_value(raw_value)
error = self.extract_error(raw_value)
units = None
units = self.extract_units(raw_units, strict=True)
except TypeError as e:
property_entities = {
'specifier': specifier,
'raw_value': raw_value,
'raw_units': raw_units,
'error': error,
'value': value,
'units': units,
'compound': c}
model_instance = self.model(**property_entities)
if requirements:
model_instance.record_method = self.__class__.__name__
yield model_instance
[docs] def interpret_multi_entity_4(self, result, start, end):
"""interpret multiple compounds, single specifier, single transition"""
if result is None:
requirements = True
cem_list = first(result.xpath('./cem_list'))
if cem_list is None:
yield None
specifier = first(result.xpath('./property/specifier/text()'))
raw_value = first(result.xpath('./property/raw_value/text()'))
raw_units = first(result.xpath('./property/raw_units/text()'))
if specifier is None:
yield None
value = self.extract_value(raw_value)
error = self.extract_error(raw_value)
units = None
units = self.extract_units(raw_units, strict=True)
except TypeError as e:
for cem in cem_list: # Reverse order to make sure we get a unit
c = None
c = self.model.compound.model_class(
except Exception:
requirements = False
property_entities = {
'specifier': specifier,
'raw_value': raw_value,
'raw_units': raw_units,
'error': error,
'value': value,
'units': units,
'compound': c}
model_instance = self.model(**property_entities)
if requirements:
model_instance.record_method = self.__class__.__name__
yield model_instance